
反对历史虚无主义视阈下的唯物史观教育探析 被引量:1

Analysis on Historical Materialism Education against the Perspective of Historical Nihilism
摘要 历史观是人们对历史的一种根本见解。在历史研究整个过程中,需要坚持唯物主义观点,立足客观历史事实维度,用中立性视野,把孤立的历史事件置于人类社会的历史浪潮中去研究和解读。这就要求我们坚定历史唯物主义教育,即唯物史观教育,来规避历史虚无主义思潮的消极影响。马克思主义的唯物史观认为:"社会的经济发展是一切重要历史事件的终极原因和动力,社会的经济发展由此产生的社会被划分为不同的阶级,也是这些阶级互相博弈的结果",这就在哲学范畴根本地击破了历史虚无主义。本文首先从历史虚无主义的发展沿革入手,进一步阐述历史虚无主义的危害,最后通过唯物史观视域下提出具体的解决对策。党的"十九大"后中国进入了新时代中国特色社会主义历史方位,在实现现代化强国的历史进程中,加强唯物史观教育反对历史虚无主义思潮就变得更加紧迫,对这一领域的对策研究具有十分重要的现实和历史意义。 The conception of history is a fundamental insight of people on social history. In the study of history,it is necessary to adhere to the materialist viewpoint. From the objective historical facts,we should study and understand the individual historical events in the historical river of human society without any political views and political standpoints,from the objective historical facts and with the third party neutral angles. This requires us to strengthen the education of historical materialism,that is,the education of historical materialism,so as to avoid the negative influence of historical nihilism. The materialistic historical view of Marx's doctrine holds that "the ultimate cause and motive force of all important historical events are the economic development of society. It is the change of the mode of production and the way of exchange. It is the resulting society divided into different classes,and also the result of the game between these classes",which fundamentally breaks the historical nihilism in the philosophical category. This paper begins with the development and evolution of historical nihilism,and further expounds the harm of historical nihilism,and finally puts forward specific solutions through the view of historical materialism. After the"19 th National Congress of the CPC",China has entered the historical position of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. In the historical process of realizing the modern power,it has become more urgent to strengthen the historical materialism education to oppose the historical nihilism,and the research on the countermeasures in this field is of great realistic and historical significance.
作者 王越芬 李国庆 WANG Yue-fen;LI Guo-qing(School of Marxism,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin Heilongjiang 1500g0,China)
出处 《湖北函授大学学报》 2018年第13期79-81,共3页
基金 黑龙江省学位与研究生教育教学改革研究重点项目"新形势下研究生思想政治理论课教学改革研究"(项目编号:JGXM-HLJ-2015026)
关键词 唯物史观 教育 历史虚无主义 对策 historical materialism education historical nihilism countermeasures
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