
后发企业战略演进、创新范式与能力演化 被引量:45

Latecomer firms strategy evolution、innovation paradigm and capabilities evolution
摘要 本文力图归纳后发企业战略演进的理论逻辑,在探讨战略演进轨迹、创新范式转换、核心能力演化路径的基础上,架构一个基于战略、创新和能力关系的整合性理论模型。依据这一研究框架,文章对在战略、创新、能力方面有代表性的海尔集团作了1984-2017年纵向案例研究。研究结论发现,后发企业在追赶和超越过程中,战略规划的理论工具,随着企业面临的主要矛盾由量变到质变的变化,在沿着"资源基础观——竞争力理论——战略冲突理论——动态能力观——生态观"的轨迹演进,战略总体特征呈现出"控制——主导——分权——支持——治理"的趋势,同时,战略在创新范式和能力积累方面起到了引领作用,市场、组织、文化、创新都要随着战略调整而变化;后发企业在追赶过程中进行了创新范式的不断转换,大致经历了"技术驱动——技术追赶——技术与市场并驱——市场拉动——市场超越"的变迁轨迹,从先期的借助技术追赶到后期的借助市场完成超越;核心能力是一个随企业战略、创新范式变化而变化的动态概念,后发企业核心能力正是在战略引领和创新推动下完成积累和提升的,形成了"学习能力——整合能力——吸收能力——动态能力——生态能力"的演化路径;提出了后发企业战略、战略、能力关系模型(LSIC模型),后发企业追赶过程中战略在创新和能力方面扮演了关键作用,战略引领创新,创新形成企业核心能力,从而使企业获得可持续竞争力,同时战略引领创新需要领导机制、学习机制和协同机制的战略管理机制作支撑,创新是形成能力的基础,能力是企业可持续竞争力的基础,不同的创新范式形成了企业不同的能力。本文的理论贡献在于:丰富了战略演进的理论基础,总结了后发企业战略演进、创新范式转换和核心能力演化的轨迹,对战略、创新和能力的关系作了开拓性分析并提出了LSIC模型,探讨了支持后发企业完全超越的国家科技政策,为后发企业追赶——超越提供了理论支撑和实践指导。 This paper tries to summarize the theoretical logic of the strategy evolution,and construct an integrated theoretical model based on discussing strategy evolution trajectory,innovation paradigm shifting and core capabilities evolution path. According to this research frame,the paper gives a longitudinal case study of Haier for 1984-2017 years which is representative in fields of strategy,innovations and capabilities. By the results of our case study,we have discovered that strategies planning models changes along the trajectory of " resource-based view-competitive forces-strategy conflict-dynamic capability view-ecology view",and strategy stage shows the trend of " control-domain-decentralization-support-governance" in the process of catching up and beyond. Innovation paradigms generally experience the evolution trajectory of " technology driven-technology catching-up-technology and market driven-market pull-market beyond",that means the latecomer firms achieve catching-up by technology in the early stage and beyond by market in the later stage,the strategies play a leading role in the innovation paradigm shifting. The core competence is a dynamic concept with strategy and innovation paradigm changing,latecomer firms core capabilities accumulate along the evolution path of "learning capability-integrating capability-absorptive capability-dynamic capability-ecology capability". Also this paper put forward the LSIC model,namely strategies leading innovation and innovation accumulating capability then prompting latecomer firms attaining sustainable competence. Strategy leading innovation needs to be supported by strategic management machine of leadership mechanism,learning mechanism and coordination mechanism. The contribution of this paper lies in: to enrich the theoretical basis of strategic evolution,summarize the evolution trajectory of strategy,innovation paradigm and capability and put forward LSIC model,provide theoretical support and practical guidance for latecomer firms catching-up and beyond.
作者 刘海兵 许庆瑞 LIU Hai-bing;XU Qing-rui(College of Management,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310000,China;College of Economics and Management,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China)
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期1442-1454,共13页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 中国工程院学部项目(2017-XY-39) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71572177) 甘肃省科技计划项目(17CX1ZA014)
关键词 后发企业 战略演进 创新范式 能力演化 案例研究 latecomer firms strategy evolution innovation paradigm capability evolution case study
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