
抽蓄机组双向推力轴承镜板泵孔布置与几何参数对性能的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Layout and Geometric Parameters of Holes on Performance of Runner-pump for Bidirectional Thrust Bearing of Pumped Storage Unit
摘要 为分析高转速抽水蓄能机组双向推力轴承镜板泵流体动力设计过程中泵孔的布置型式及几何参数对其性能的影响,设计三种布置形式的镜板泵孔,采用基于多工况的数值模拟进行仿真计算,预测并分析三种泵孔布置形式下镜板泵的性能参数。结果表明,镜板孔的进口角度对孔内流态影响明显,合适的流体进口冲角对减小流体在进口处的冲击及维持内流场流态的稳定具有重要意义;对于双向旋转推力轴承,镜板泵折孔设计在轴向能保证机组在正反转运行时性能稳定。研究成果可为高转速抽蓄机组镜板泵孔设计选型提供参考。 In order to analyze the impacts of the layout type and the geometric parameters on the performance of the high-speed bidirectional thrust bearing runner-pump of a pumped storage unit,three kinds of layout holes were designed.And then,the performance parameters were predicted based on the multi-conditions numerical simulations.The results show that the inlet angle of the mirror plate hole has obvious influence on the flow pattern in the hole,and the suitable inlet angle is very important for reducing the impact of the fluid at the inlet.For bidirectional thrust bearings,the fold hole designed in the axial direction can ensure the stable operation performance of unit.The research results can provide reference for design and selection of pump hole in high-speed pumped storage unit.
作者 郑辉 赖喜德 廖姣 钟海权 ZHENG Hui;LAI Xi-de;LIAO Jiao;ZHONG Hai-quan(School of Energy and Power Engineering,Xihua University,Chengdu 610039,China;Dongfang Electric Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Deyang 618000,China)
出处 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2018年第8期132-134,180,共4页 Water Resources and Power
基金 四川省科技计划项目(2017GZ0053 2017JY0047 2017NZ0031) 西华大学研究生创新基金项目(ycjj2017205)
关键词 泵孔布置形式 双向推力轴承 镜板泵 数值模拟 layout of runner-pump holes bidirectional thrust bearing runner-pump numerical simulation
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