2018北京道路运输展开幕日,金龙汽车集团(KING LONG MOTOR GROUP)举行了以"国车金龙,逐梦新时代"为主题的"金龙汽车集团30周年媒体发布会";期间,作为中国客车制造业的重要一员,金旅客车(GOLDEN DRAGON)介绍并展示了金旅客车纪念版车型——"领航者”XML6129大型豪华公路客车;同时亮相的还有“新凯歌”XML6112新一代大型豪华公路客车,它们共同成为展会上耀眼的明星。
As one of the key players of domestic bus industry and an important subsidiary of Kinglong Motor Group, GOLDEN DRAGON presented its new luxury highway bus--Model XML 6129, and the new generation of XML 6112, another highway luxury bus at CHINA TRANSPO 2018, both of which were shining stars of the exhibition.
Commercial Vehicle