
一位不该被遗忘的戏曲史家——朱希祖的戏曲收藏、研究及其贡献 被引量:1

A Drama Historian that Should Not be Forgotten——Zhu Xizu's Drama Collection,Research and Contribution
摘要 作为驰名中外的史学家,学术界极少关注到作为戏曲史家身份的朱希祖。早年的朱希祖未能摆脱视戏曲为小道的短视,但受到民国初年"纯文学"观念影响,也得益于他长期执教的北京大学文学系浓厚的戏曲研究氛围,朱希祖逐渐转变了对戏曲的认识。民国十三年(1924),时任北京大学史学系主任的朱希祖在北平书肆购得昇平署档案和戏曲,由此开启了他戏曲研究的序幕。此后他撰写完成了匡补王国维《曲录》的《续曲录》。民国二十年(1931)前后,朱希祖将自己珍藏的曲本、《续曲录》悉数捐赠给刚合并不久的北平图书馆,极大丰富了此期北图的戏曲藏书。民国二十一年(1932)秋,朱希祖南下广州、南京任教,戏曲逐渐淡出他的学术视野。但是他仍然时刻关注着戏曲学界的研究动态,提携后学不遗余力。统观朱希祖戏曲研究,他十分看重戏曲在改造社会中的贡献。他与王国维相似的"以史治曲"的学术方法,更是近代戏曲研究范式转折的关捩。 As a famous historian, ZhuXizu was paid little attention by academic circles for his identity of the opera historian.In early years, ZhuXizu failed to get rid of the short-sighted view of seeing drama as a path in the life. However, due to influence of the idea of "Pure Literature" in the early years of the Republic of China and the strong atmosphere of drama research in the Literature department of Peking University, Zhu Xizu gradually changed his understanding of drama.ln the December of thirteenth year of the Re- public of China (1924), Zhu Xizu, then director of the Department of History of Peking University, bought the archives and operas of Shengping Department from Beijing bookstores, which opened the prelude to his opera research. Since then, he has written and com- pleted XuQuLu of QuLu written by Wang Guowei.About the twentieth year of the Republic of China (around 1931), Zhu Xizu donated all his collections including treasured scripts and XuQuLu to the newly merged Peiping Library, which greatly enriched the Peking Opera Collection there. In the autumn of 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), Zha Xizu went south to Guangzhou and Nanjing to teach, and opera gradually faded out of his academic horizon. However, he still paid close attention to the opera research and tried his best to help post-school do the research. In his study of opera, he attached great importance to the contribution of opera in the transformation of society. His academic method of "Governing by History", similar to Wang Guowei's, is the key to the transition of modem opera research paradigm.
作者 梁帅 LIANG Shuai(Literature College,Institute of Ancient Chinese Civilization,Henan University,Kaifeng,Henan 475001)
出处 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期84-92,共9页 Research of Chinese Literature
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目"<全清戏曲>整理编纂及文献研究"(11&ZD107) 中国博士后科学基金第62批面上资助(2017M622326) 河南省博士后科研资助项目
关键词 戏曲收藏与研究 《续曲录》 北平图书馆藏善本戏曲 戏曲史意义 Collection and Study of opera Xu QuIu Rare Opera in BeiPing Library The significance of drama's history
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