
基于随机模型的抛丸覆盖率计算及有限元仿真 被引量:1

Coverage Calculation and Finite Element Simulation of Shot Blasting Based on Random Model
摘要 在抛丸过程中,高速撞向靶材表面的弹丸呈现高度随机性。采用MATLAB软件建立了大量弹丸随机分布的模型,利用ABAQUS软件中单个弹丸所形成弹坑的有限元仿真结果,获得覆盖率与弹丸个数的关系,并采用ABAQUS软件对50%、100%和200%覆盖率的情形进行有限元仿真。相比已发表的弹丸阵列分布模型,显然该模型更接近于实际抛丸过程。 During shot blasting,lots of randomly distributed shots hit the target surface at high speed. A model of randomly distributed shots was built by Abaqus software,finite element simulation result of a pit formed by a single shot was get,the relationship between coverage and number of shots was obtained,3 kinds of coverage(50%,100% and 200%) was simulated by Abaqus software. Compared with the published model with array distributed shots,it is obvious that this model is more close to the actual shot blasting process.
作者 陈志超 CHEN Zhi-chao(School of Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Shaoguan University,Shaoguan Guangdong 512005, China)
出处 《装备制造技术》 2018年第7期157-160,共4页 Equipment Manufacturing Technology
基金 韶关学院校级科研项目(SY2017KJ03)
关键词 抛丸 随机模型 覆盖率计算 有限元仿真 shot blasting random model coverage calculation finite element simulation
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