
大思政教育格局下公安院校入学教育模式的实践与探索——以安徽公安职业学院为例 被引量:1

Practice and Exploration of Entrance Education Mode in Public Security Colleges under the Structure of Ideological and Political Education——Taking Anhui Public Security College as an Example
摘要 贯彻落实全国高校和全国公安院校思想政治工作会议精神,突出立德树人中心环节,实现全程育人、全方位育人,需要公安院校因事而化、因时而进、因势而新。加强新时期思想政治教育,公安院校学生管理工作应着眼"大思政"观念,强化"管理育警"职能,配合思政课主阵地,抢抓入学教育的先机,对于打造"对党忠诚、服务人民、执法公正、纪律严明"的预备人民警察具有重要意义。近年来,安徽公安职业学院以"下好先手棋、夯实从警梦"为指导,通过加强公安梦想教育,加强忠诚警魂教育,加强警察意识教育,创新公安院校入学教育模式,有效激发了公安大学生学习训练热情、永葆政治本色、锻造优良作风,对新时期公安大学生思想政治教育作出了有益探索。 It is necessary for Public Security Colleges and Universities to solve problems depending on the change of situation and the progress of the time to implement the spirit of the National University and the National Public Security Colleges and Universities Conference on Ideological and Political work , to highlight the center of the moral values establishment and people cultivation, and to realize the education in the whole process and in all directions. In order to strengthen the ideological and political education in the new period, the management of the students in the public security colleges and universities should focus on the concept of “Great Ideological and Politic Education”,strengthen the function of “cultivating the police with education management”, cooperate with the main positions of the Ideological and Political courses, and seize the opportunity of the entrance education,which is significant to construct the preparatory police officers who are “loyal to the party, serving the people, impartial in law enforcement and strict in discipline”. In recent years, with the guidance of “playing chess ahead and ramming the police dream”,Anhui Public Security College has strengthened the education of public security dream, police loyalty and spirit, and the police consciousness, and has innovated the mode of entrance education in public security colleges and universities to arouse effectively the enthusiasm of students in the public security colleges in learning and training, maintain the political nature and forge the fine style of work,which has made a useful exploration for the Ideological and Political education of students in Public Security colleges and universities in the new period.
作者 黄大勤 Huang Daqin(Anhui Public Security College Hefei Anhui 23008)
出处 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 2018年第2期101-104,共4页 Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers
关键词 公安院校 思想政治教育 入学教育 管理育人 public security colleges and universities Ideological and political education entrance education education management
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