

The Repressed Soul, Unfinished Liberation-Analysis of the Protagonist Mumbi's Growth Process in the Anti-colonial Movement
摘要 梦碧是《一粒麦种》中的女主人公,作为小说中最具典型意义的女性人物,她的人生历程向读者展示了肯尼亚女性的觉醒。她是在反殖民斗争中成长起来的肯尼亚新女性。肯尼亚的解放结束了殖民者的统治,但男权社会对女性的压迫并未随之结束,女性的反抗仍在继续。在近代肯尼亚的社会历史发展中,女性一直被殖民者欺压,被国内男权社会剥夺话语权,但也正是在这样的压迫中她们觉醒并勇敢地站起来为自己"被压抑的灵魂"而斗争。路途虽然艰辛,但未来充满光明与希望,她们终将取得女性解放的胜利。 Mumbi is the heroine in the novel A Grain of Wheat. As one of the most meaningful female characters in this story, her life shows the awakening process of Kenya women. She is a new woman growing in the anti-colonial struggle. The emancipation of Kenya ends up the controlling of colonizer; but woman still has struggled for their freedom under the repression of the domestic patriarch society. In the modern time of Kenya society's development, woman is oppressing by the colonizer; also is deprived of the discourse power by the inland patriarch society. It is in this oppression women in Kenya begin to awake and fight bravely for their "repressed soul". The road is tough but is filling of bright and wish. Finally they will get the success of women's liberation.
作者 俞雪容 YU Xue-rong(School of Foreign Languages,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500,China)
出处 《齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报》 2018年第3期29-31,共3页 Journal of Qiqihar Junior Teachers College
关键词 《一粒麦种》 反殖民运动 女性 解放斗争 A Grain of Wheat anti-colonial movement female liberation struggle
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