
黄土高原典型县域耕地后备资源空间分布与宜耕性评价 被引量:2

Spatial Distribution and Cultivated Evaluation of Cultivated Land Reserve Resources in Typical Counties of the Loess Plateau
摘要 土地后备资源的开发利用是有效补充耕地数量、实现耕地占补平衡的关键途径,对保障国家粮食安全具有重要作用。以黄土高原典型县域山西省忻府区为研究对象,通过建立宜耕性评价指标体系,在宜耕性等级划分的基础上分析研究区域耕地后备资源的宜耕程度,并通过核密度估计法对宜耕后备资源的聚集程度进行分析。结果表明,忻府区耕地后备资源可宜耕面积为1 799.67 hm^2,其中,高度宜耕等级面积为1 203.41 hm^2,一般宜耕等级面积为596.26 hm^2,不宜耕面积为72 854.45 hm^2,宜耕后备资源中主要土地类型为其他草地和内陆滩涂,所占比例分别为42.93%和31.90%;高度宜耕等级图斑的空间分布"热区"范围比较广泛,阳坡乡和三交镇范围内高度宜耕后备资源的数量多且集中连片程度最高,是当地应优先考虑开发的后备资源,一般宜耕等级后备资源可作为储备型后备资源。 The development and utilization of land reserve resources is a key way to effectively supplement the amount of cultivated land and achieve the balance of cultivated land occupation and supplement, and plays an important role in safeguarding national food security. This paper takes the research object of the Xinfu, Shanxi province in the typical county of the Loess Plateau, and establishes the evaluation index system, and on the basis of the classification of cultivating grades, the arable land of cultivated land reserve resources was analyzed, and the degree of aggregation of arable land reserve resources was analyzed by Kernal Density estimation method. The results showed that the cultivated land reserve area in the Xinfu district was 1 799.67 hm2, of which the high-cultivated grade area was1 203.41 hm2, the general cultivated grade area was 596.26 hm2, and the unsuitable cultivated area was 72 854.45 hm2. The main land types in the arable reserve resources were other grassland and inland tidal flats, accounting for 42.93% and 31.90% respectively, the spatial distribution of the high-cultivation grade maps was more extensive in the "hot zone", the number of highly arable reserve resources in Yangpo township and Sanjiao town was the highest and the concentration of continuation was highest. It was a reserve resource that should be considered for development in the local area. Generally, the reserve resources of arable land could be used as reserve reserve resources.
作者 许建伟 魏咏馨 刘庚 张朝 XU Jianwei;WEI Yongxin;LIU Geng;ZHANG Chao(Taiyuan Design Research Institute for Coal Industry,Taiyuan 030000,China;Research Center for Scientific Developmentin Fenhe River Valley,Taiyuan Normal University,Taiyuan 030012,China;State Key Laboratory of EnvironmentalCriteria and Risk Assessment,Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,Beijing 100012,China)
出处 《山西农业科学》 2018年第9期1560-1565,共6页 Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(41401236) 山西省自然科学基金项目(2015021166) 山西省人文社科重点研究基地项目(2016330)
关键词 耕地后备资源 宜耕性评价 空间分布 忻府区 reserve resources of cultivated land arable evaluation spatial distribution Xinfu district
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