
基于蓝牙和PDR结合的室内定位方法研究 被引量:2

Research on indoor location method based on Bluetooth and PDR
摘要 随着中国城市化进程的发展,室内定位受到广泛关注。为解决单一室内定位误差大、WiFi组合定位成本高等问题,文章提出了低功耗蓝牙(iBeacon)和行人航位推算(PDR)相结合的室内组合定位方案。该方案先利用iBeacon定位原理及改进的K近邻算法对待定位终端进行实时定位,同时利用PDR定位估算的坐标减小iBeacon指纹定位算法搜索指纹库的时间,减小定位系统的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,并利用融合算法启动测量更新和状态更新的迭代计算,更新算法中的参数,实现组合定位。 With the development of China's urbanization, indoor location attracts increasingly considerable attention, which suggests a positioning solution combining i Beacon and PDR, aimed at disposing of unacceptable deviation of indoor location alone, high cost of the WiFi combined positioning and so on. This project makes use of iBeacon positioning principle and revised K-Nearest Neighbor to locate the terminals in real time, estimated coordinates with PDR positioning to reduce the time searching fingerprint library by iBeacon fingerprint location algorithm and the temporal and dimensional positioning complexity, fusion algorithm to start iterative computation of measurement and status update to update the parameters in step size estimation algorithm, which brings about integrated positioning.
作者 赵菲 Zhao Fei(Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi’an 710055,China)
出处 《无线互联科技》 2018年第16期17-19,共3页 Wireless Internet Technology
关键词 室内组合定位 K邻近算法 融合算法 无迹卡尔曼滤波 indoor combined positioning K-nearest neighbor fusion algorithm unscented Kalman flter
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