
育雏前期含硫氨基酸水平对育雏、育成及产蛋期“京红1号”蛋鸡生产性能的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Different Levels of Total Sulfur Amino Acids During 0-2wk on Production Performance of Jinghong Layers in Brooding, Rearing and Laying Period
摘要 本试验通过研究育雏前期(0~2周龄)饲粮总含硫氨基酸(TSAA)对育雏、育成及产蛋期"京红1号"蛋鸡生产性能的影响,确定京红蛋鸡在育雏前期TSAA的适宜需要量。选取1日龄"京红1号"商品代蛋雏鸡900只,随机分为5组,每组6个重复,每个重复30只。对照组饲喂TSAA为0.62%的基础饲粮,试验组在基础饲粮水平上分别添加蛋氨酸(梯度替代膨润土),使TSAA(可利用TSAA)的浓度分别为0.69%、0.78%、0.85%和0.92%。试验期2周,跟踪观察23周。结果表明:在试验期,0.85%TSAA组日增重显著高于其他组(P<0.05),日采食量和耗料增重比与各处理组间均差异不显著(P>0.05),但日采食量和耗料增重比均随TSAA的递增呈线性降低(P<0.05);在观察期,6、12、16、20周龄"京红1号"蛋鸡的体重在各处理组间差异均不显著(P>0.05);0.69%TSAA和0.85%TSAA组在17~25周龄的产蛋率和日产蛋量显著高于其他组(P<0.05)。综上,结合剂量反应法和回归法可得"京红1号"商品代蛋鸡育雏前期饲粮适宜TSAA浓度为0.85%,每只蛋雏鸡TSAA需要量为110.59 mg/d。 The trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of total sulfur amino acids(TSAA) during 0-2 wk of age on production performance of Jinghong layers in brooding, rearing and laying period, and to investigate the appropriate TSAA requirement of Jinghong layers in the early-phase of brooding period. A total of 900 Jinghong commercial chicks at the age of 1 day were randomly divided into fi ve treatments with 6 replicates per treatment and 30 hens per replicate. Layers were fed on the corn-soybean meal basal diet supplemented with graded levels of TSAA, containing 0.62%, 0.78%, 0.85% and 0.92%, respectively. The trial lasted 2 wk and tracking record period lasted 23 wk. The results showed that layers fed the diet with TSAA at the level of 0.85% had a signifi cant increase in average daily gain(ADG)(P0.05), compared to other groups. Although there were no signifi cant differences in average daily feed intake(ADFI) or feed to gain(F:G) among treatments, ADFI and F:G were decreased linearly as the increasing TSAA levels in diets(P0.05). In addition, body weight of birds at 6, 12, 16 and 20 wk of age were unaffected by different levels of TSAA during 0-2 wk of age(P0.05). The 0.69% TSAA group and 0.85% TSAA group had better egg rate and egg production at 17-25 wk than other groups. In conclusion, the appropriate TSAA level of Jinghong commercial chicken during 0-2 wk of age was 0.85%, or expressed as daily TSAA is 110.59 mg/d.
作者 陈曦 刘茹 赵丽红 计成 张建云 马秋刚 CHEN Xi;LIU Ru;ZHAO Li-hong;JI Cheng;ZHANG Jian-yun;MA Qiu-gang(State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition,College of Animal Science and Technology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China)
出处 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第8期75-79,共5页 Chinese Journal of Animal Science
基金 国家蛋鸡产业技术体系(CARS-40-K08)
关键词 含硫氨基酸 京红蛋鸡 育雏前期 生产性能 Sulfur amino acids Jinghong layer Brooding period Production performance
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