
CBA/CaJ小鼠脏器重量、血液生理生化指标及免疫细胞的比例 被引量:4

Organ weights,blood physiological and biochemical indices and proportion of immune cells in CBA/CaJ mice
摘要 目的测定SPF级CBA/Ca J小鼠的基础生物学指标,为更好利用该品系小鼠,从事生物医药等研究工作奠定基础。方法选取6周龄和12周龄的CBA/Ca J雌性和雄性小鼠,分别称量不同性别小鼠的主要脏器重量,应用全自动血液生理、生化分析仪检测血液生理、生化指标并利用流式细胞仪检测外周血免疫细胞比例。结果主要脏器重量显示同周龄(6周或12周)雌雄小鼠相比较,雄鼠体重、心脏、肝、肾重量均显著高于雌鼠(P<0.01);同性别CBA/Ca J小鼠,12周龄雄鼠体重显著高于6周龄(P=0.000)。血液学生理指标显示6周龄雄鼠MCV、RDW、PLT、PLCR、BUN及CHOL均显著高于雌鼠(P<0.01),而雄性的MCHC显著低于雌鼠(P=0.000)。血液学生化指标显示12周龄雄鼠的ALKP显著低于雌鼠(P=0.001),CHOL显著高于雌鼠(P=0.000)。12周龄同性别CBA/Ca J小鼠MCV、RDW、MCH及ALKP明显低于6周龄(P<0.01),而BUN显著高于6周龄(P<0.01)。外周血免疫细胞比例显示该品系小鼠B细胞、T细胞、NK细胞和粒细胞都占有一定比例。结论建立了CBA/Ca J小鼠的基础生物学数据。CBA/Ca J小鼠是具有免疫活性的小鼠,其龄期和性别因素对其基础生物学指标都有一定的影响。 Objective To make better use of CBA/Ca J mice in biomedical research,the basic biological indicators of SPF CBA/Ca J mice were determined. Methods CBA/Ca J mice at six and twelve weeks of age were selected,and the main organ weights were detected. The blood physiological and biochemical parameters,and proportion of immune cells were measured using a full-automatic blood physiological and biochemical analyzer and flow cytometer,respectively. Results Compared with the male and female mice at the same age( 6 or 12 weeks),body weight,heart,liver,kidney weight of males were significantly higher than females( P〈 0. 01). Mice with the same genders,the body weight of male mice at 12 weeks was significantly higher than the 6-week old male mice( P = 0. 000). Compared the male and female mice at six weeks,blood physiological parameters showed that MCV,RDW,PLT,P-LCR,BUN and CHOL of males were significantly higher than females( P〈 0. 01),while MCHC of male was significantly lower than female( P =0. 000). Blood biochemical indexes showed that ALKP of male mice was lower than female at 12 weeks( P = 0. 001),while CHOL was higher than female( P = 0. 000). Mice with the same genders and different weeks,MCV,RDW,MCH and ALKP of 12-week old mice were significantly lower than six weeks( P〈 0. 01),while BUN was higher than six weeks mice( P〈 0. 01). The result of blood immune cell analysis showed that all mice had a certain proportion of B,T,NK cells and granulocytes. Conclusions The basic biological data of CBA/Ca J mice are established. The result suggest that the cellular immune system for the CBA/Ca J mice is intact,and these indicators are affected by age and gender.
作者 曹敏 向钦 刘阳 何明忠 赖国旗 衣启营 CAO Min;XIANG Qin;LIU Yang;HE Mingzhong;LAI Guoqi;YI Qiying(Chongqing Medical University Laboratory Animal Center,Chongqing 400016,China)
出处 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期418-423,共6页 Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica
基金 重庆市科委社会民生项目(No.cstc2017shms A130097) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.81570541) 重庆市教委科研项目(No.KJ1702013)~~
关键词 CBA/CaJ小鼠 脏器重量 血液生理生化指标 血液生化指标 免疫细胞 CBA/CaJ mouse organ weight physiological indices blood biochemical indices Inmmne cells Colffliet of interest statement: We declare that we have no eolffliet of interest statement.
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