Our school entered the Zhengzhou Vocational Education Park in 2018. The daily management of the computer room of the school information center is facing the increasing number of computer rooms and the shortage of personnel,and today's devices take a lot of time for people to switch one by one,also check the running state at any time,prevent safety accidents. This has consumed a lot of manpower and efficiency in management. In some cases,it is not possible to deal with emergencies in a timely manner. Therefore,we need to design a solution of management functionalization,centralization,simple deployment and low cost. In this paper, based on the prototype of intelligent socket,based on DL-LN33 wireless ad hoc network module,STC15 F2 K60 S2 as the main component,with relay,temperature sensor and other devices,it is aware of the environment of the machine room,and with the surrounding intelligent socket,complete and independent control,realize the intelligent management of the machine room.
DONG Lihong,GENG Xiaolei,YANG Shuang(Zhengzhou Information Technology School,Zhengzhou 450000,China)
Modern Information Technology