
我国文化治理若干关键短板及破解方略探讨 被引量:2

Discussion on Some Key Short Staves and Its Settlement Strategy of China's Cultural Governance
摘要 "文化治理"是当今"管理与治理统筹并举"引生出的产物,它对推动社会多元主体参与文化建设、增强依法管办文化的能力水平、提升文化发展建设综合效能意义重大。"文化小康"是我国"十三五"期间实施文化治理面临的新任务,而"五个时代"则是文化治理面临的新形势。就文化治理涵盖的公共文化服务领域来看,它亟待破解补齐八大关键短板——功能缺失短板、发展失衡短板、资源分散短板、供需脱节短板、体制机制短板、治理滞后短板、科技慢进短板及效能低下短板。就文化治理涵盖的文化创意产业领域来看,则主要存在着总体发展模式粗放化及中低端化、管理治理并举格局有待普遍形成、产业配套政策亟待应时调整、本土原创及品牌培育亟须走出困局、供给侧与需求侧双向驱动有待激发、产业谋划亟须融入"一带一路"国家战略等。为了补齐上述短板,既需要剖析成因、顺时借势,也需要逐个从本文分析的短板掣肘环节入手,制定并落实本研究提出的十二项操作性攻坚举措。 As the product of "Management and Governance Planned as a Whole", the "cultural governance" is of great importance to the promotion of multi-subjects participating in the cultural construction, to the reinforce- ment of managing and regulating culture capacity level according to law and to the enhancement of comprehensive efficiency of the cultural development and construction. The cultural governance is faced with the new task of "Culture well-off" during the period of 13th five-year and is also confronting new situations of "Five Times". In terms of the public cultural service fields covered by cultural governance, eight key short staves need to be lengthened. They are the lack of function, imbalanced development, scattered resources, dislocation of supply and demand, system and mecha- nism, governance delay, slow progress in science and inefficiency. In terms of the cultural and creative industry fields covered by cultural governance, there also exist several problems. The overall development pattern tends to be extensive and medium and low-end. The structure of simultaneous devel- opment of management and governance remains to be formed. The industrial supporting policies need to be adjusted in keeping with the trend. Local orig- inal brand growing is not out of the dilemma yet. The two-way drive of sup- ply side and demand side needs to be innovated. The industrial planning needs to be melted into the "Belt and Road" national strategy. In order to put forth to lengthen the short staves mentioned above, it is necessary to conduct the cause analysis as well as to capture the mood of the times. Start with the short staves and weak links one by one, twelve crucial measures have been put forward and need to be established and implemented.
作者 徐清泉 Xu Qingquan
机构地区 上海社会科学院
出处 《中国文化产业评论》 CSSCI 2017年第1期131-149,共19页 Commentary on Cultural Industry in China
关键词 文化治理 公共文化服务 文化创意产业 短板 方略 cultural governance public culture service cultural and creative industry short staves general plan
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