
古文家钱基博对文学革命的退让与反击 被引量:1

The Retreat from and a Counterattack on the Literary Revolution by Qian Jibo, a Scholar of Classical Chinese Language
摘要 对于文学革命、新诗运动以至新文化运动的意义,自发端之初以迄当代,素有争议。作为古文家和认同"中体西用"思想的开明守旧派,钱基博对胡适及其所倡导的新文化运动和新诗运动经历了由退让到反击的转变,彰显了中国新文学史单向叙事的否定之维。他在出版于1930年代的《现代中国文学史》一书中,沿袭"甲寅派"的观点将胡适暗比"不思道德"、诡谲多诈的汉代权臣朱博,又在同时期劝诫其子勿效胡适、徐志摩,而应学习南朝名臣王僧虔在乱世的"处法";对于闻一多、朱湘等新诗人提倡格律、用典和模仿古人,他认为是"新体诗之穷而当变,思复其初"的征兆。本文探讨了钱基博对胡适及新文化运动、新诗运动的评价,揭示了他对文学革命所持态度的微妙转变,并对其守旧诗观加以反思。对于新诗的体例与新诗的成就,笔者认为,天道有常,文体代兴,不为格律、声韵所缚的自由诗乃新诗主流,其中佳制,实非胡适、周作人等人尝试之作所可及。 There has always been a dispute about the significance of the Literary Revolution, the New Poetry Movement and even the New Culture Movement ever since their inception. As a scholar of classical Chinese language and an enlightened traditionalist who identifies with the ideology of ‘Zhongti xiyong’, that of the Chinese studies as the foundation and the Western studies for practical use, Qian Jibo experienced a retreat from and a counterattack on the New Culture Movement and the New Poetry Movement as promoted by Hu Shi, demonstrating the dimension of negation in terms of single-directional narration in the history of new Chinese literature. In his book, A History of Modern Chinese Literature, published in the 1930 s, he based his view on that of the Jiayin School, comparing Hu Shi to Zhu Bo, a powerful minister in the Han dynasty, one that was immoral and cunning, while, at the same time, advising his own son to not follow Hu Shi and Xu Zhimo, instead learning the ways from Wang Sengqian, a well-known minister in the Southern Dynasties. He regarded the promotion of rules and forms of classical poetic composition, the use of allusions and the imitation of ancient men of letters by such poets as Wen Yiduo and Zhu Xiang as signs of the‘new poetry seeking a return to its origin when it has exhausted itself’. This article discusses Qian's comments on Hu Shi, the New Culture Movement and the New Poetry Movement, revealing his subtle change of attitude towards the Literary Revolution and reflecting on his concepts of the old poetry. It is this writer's opinion that, in relation to the rules of new poetry and its achievements, free verse, free from the old rules regarding style and sound, is the mainstream of new poetry as part of a natural law, and the fine works of such poetry are not something that trial work by either Hu Shi or Zhou Zuoren could ever match.
作者 龚刚 Gong Gang
机构地区 澳门大学中文系
出处 《华文文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期59-65,共7页 Literatures in Chinese
关键词 钱基博 胡适 新文化运动 新诗运动 Qian Jibo Hu Shi the New Culture Movement the New Poetry Movement
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  • 1朱光潜.《谈文学·序》,《朱光潜全集》第4卷,安徽教育出版社1987年版,第155页.
  • 2朱光潜.《从我怎样学国文说起》,《无言之美》,第28页,南京,江苏文艺出版社,2010.
  • 3朱光潜:《文学与语文(下):文言、白话与欧化》,《朱光潜全集》第6卷,第247页,第250页,第250贞,中华书局2012年版.
  • 4朱光潜.《〈雨天的书〉》,《朱光潜批评文集》,第13页.
  • 5朱光潜《:文学与语文(下):文言、白话与欧化》,《朱光潜全集》(第四卷)第241页,[合肥]安徽教育出版社1988版.
  • 6《斯文》(第3卷)第1期(1943年1月1日).
  • 7《教部通令中小学校厉行国语教育--禁止采用文言教科书,实行部颁国语标准》,载《民国日报》1930年2月3日.
  • 8《胡适全集》(第31卷)第604-605页,[合肥]安徽教育出版社2003年版.
  • 9徐晋如主编.《百年文言》,浙江古籍出版社2015版.
  • 10钱玄同:《给新青年编者的一封信》,载《新青年》第四卷第三号,1918年3月15日.










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