
推动新时代艺术创作高质量发展 被引量:2

Promoting a High-Quality Development of Art Creation in New Era
摘要 如何推动新时代艺术创作高质量发展?需要解决好如何引领、如何实现、如何保障这三个问题。要用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义文艺思想引领艺术创作,牢牢把握以人民为中心这个创作导向,解决好"为谁创作"的问题;牢牢把握"四个讴歌"这个时代要求,解决好"创作什么"的问题;牢牢把握创作生产优秀作品这个中心环节,解决好"怎么创作"的问题。要结合江苏艺术创作实际,聚焦艺术创作领域发展不平衡不充分问题,在补齐短板、整体提高上用力;聚焦文艺繁荣发展,在推出更多精品力作上用力;聚焦现实题材创作,在唱响时代主旋律上用力。要营造多出人才多出精品的良好环境,切实做到"三个尊重":尊重艺术工作者,尊重艺术创作规律,尊重艺术工作者的辛勤劳动;始终坚持"三个不变":坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向不能变,"笔墨当随时代"的艺术追求不能变,对艺术工作者德艺双馨的评价标准不能变;健全完善"三个机制":完善艺术评价机制,完善艺术人才培育机制,完善宣传推介机制。 How do we promote the high - quality art creation in new era? It demands solving three problems of how to guide, how to actualize, and how to safeguard. We should use Xi Jinping's Chinese characteristic socialist literary thoughts in new era to guide art creation, and firmly grasp the people -centered creation orientation, and well solve the problem of for whom we create. We should firmly grasp the contemporary demands of " four praises" , and finely solve the problem of creating for what. We should firmly grasp the key link of manufacturing excellent works, and nicely solve the problem of how to create. We should integrate these with Jiangsu artistic creation, and focus the imbalance and insufficiency development of art creation, and polish short slab, and try best to promote comprehensively. We should focus the literary prosperity and endeavor to creating more excellent works. We should focus realistic theme and do best to sing the contemporary mainstream. We should build nice environment for talents to create more excellent works, and practically respect art workers, respect art creation law, and respect art workers" hardworking. We should adhere to serving for people find socialism, and artistic pursuit to be along with time, and appraisal standard that art workers are professional and moral. We should strengthen and perfect art appraisal system, art talents cultiva- tion system, and propaganda and promotion system.
作者 杨志纯 YANG Zhi-chun(Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture,Nanfing,Jiangsu 210029)
机构地区 江苏省文化厅
出处 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期1-4,共4页 Hundred Schools In Arts
关键词 艺术创作 高质量发展 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义文艺思想 Art Creation High- Quality Development Xi Jinping's Chinese Characteristic Socialist Literary Thoughts in New Era
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