

Proofreading and Interpreting the Poems by Cui Guofu of Shanyin in Tang Dynasty——A Focus Study of Tang Shi Pin Hui
摘要 盛唐诗人崔国辅,两《唐书》无传。其爵里多有歧说待辨析。《新唐书·艺文志》已云:"《崔国辅集》,卷亡。"但唐宋多种著作中收录其诗,至明代高棅编选《唐诗品汇》著录24首。与唐选《国秀集》《河岳英灵集》等,宋编《唐诗纪事》《万首唐人绝句》等,清人所撰修《唐贤三昧集》《全唐诗》等比勘,发现异文若干。惜前贤、时俊对此多"述而不作"地加以校注,笔者试就名物制度因革、历史地理变化、语言文字发展诸多因素,对异文之间的是非优劣,逐一给出"宜各从长"之按断。 There is no biography of Cui Guofu,a poet in the prosperous Tang dynasty,both in The old and New History of the Tang Dynasty.The New History of the Tang Dynasty · Art and Literature Records says,"Collection of Cui Guofu has been out of existence". However,his poems have been collected in many collected works of Tang and Song dynasties. Not till the Ming dynasty did his 24 poems appear in Tang Shi Pin Hui( Appreciation of Anthology of Tang Poetry) edited by Gao Bing. Many other poems are found in Guo Xiu Collection and Heyue Yingling Anthology selected by the Tangs,Tang Poetry Chronicle and Ten Thousand Quatrains of the Tang Dynasty edited by the Songs,as well as Tangxian Sanmei Collection and Complete Poetry of the Tang Dynasty by the Qings. It is such a pity that ancient scholars only proofread and listed his varied poems but few made any comments. Therefore,the present paper endeavors to annotate and make comments on the merits and demerits of the varied poems according to the different usage of words describing the institution,the change of historical places and change of appellation of things,and the development of language and characters,etc.
作者 郭殿忱 Guo Dianchen(School of Liberal Arts, Beihua University, Jilin, Jilin 132013)
机构地区 北华大学文学院
出处 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2018年第4期64-71,共8页 Journal of Shaoxing University
关键词 山阴 崔国辅 诗异文 校释 Shanyin Cui Guofu varied poem proofreading and interpreting
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