
美国联邦政府预算立法权与行政权的关系变迁及启示 被引量:3

The History and its Implication from the Relationship between the Legislative and Administrative Power in US Federal Government Budget
摘要 预算权是政府权力的灵魂与核心,其他权力的行使往往依赖于预算权。所以立法机关与行政机关在政府预算领域不断争夺预算权力,进而支配更多财政资源,二者关系的变迁构成了美国联邦政府预算改革的原因和动力。联邦政府预算从立法权主导预算,经过1921年改革,建立行政预算体制,又经过1974年改革,预算权力结构从失衡走向平衡。美国联邦政府预算立法权与行政权关系变迁的过程、变迁的动力分析,对我国建立现代预算制度具有重要的借鉴意义。 Budgetary power is the soul and core of government power, and the exercise of other powers often depends on budgetary power. Therefore, the legislative power and the administrative power continue to compete in the federal government budget field, which in turn dominates more financial resources. The changes in the relationship between the legislative power and the administrative power constitute the cause and motivation of the US federal government budget reform. In the beginning, legislative power dominated the federal government budget, with the 1921 reform, the administrative budget system was set up, and after the reform in 1974, the budget power structure was transformed from imbalance to balance. The process of the relationship changes and the dynamic analysis in the changes have important reference significance for China to establish a modern bud- get system.
作者 马洪范 王琳 Ma Hongfan;Wang Lin
出处 《财政科学》 2018年第7期130-136,共7页 Fiscal Science
关键词 美国联邦政府预算 立法权 行政权 权力关系变迁 US Federal Government Budget the Legislative Power the Administrative Power the Relationship Change between the Powers
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  • 1Richard Fenno, Jr., The Power of the Purse:Appropriations Politics in Congress (Boston: Little, Brown and Co. , 1966).
  • 2Allen Schiek, Congress and Money: Budgeting, Spending and Taxing (NY: Urban Institute, 1980).
  • 3Charles Stewart III, Budget Reform Politics: The Design of the Appropriations Process in the House of Representatives, 1865-1921 (NY: Cambridge University Press. 1989).
  • 4道格拉斯·C.诺思.《制度、制度变迁与经济绩效》(杭行译,韦森校),上海·格致出版社、上海三联出版社、上海人民出版社,2008年版,第138页.
  • 5Joseph P. Harris, Congressional Control of Administration (Washington D. C. : Brookings Institution Press, 1964), p. 48.
  • 6Julian E. Zelizer, The American Congress: The Building of Democracy (NY: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004), pp. 29-30.
  • 7George B. Galloway, History of the House of Representatives (NY: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1969), pp. 13-14.
  • 8Richard Spohn and Charles McCollum, TheRevenue Committees (NY: Viking Press, 1975), p. 218.
  • 9Lucius Wilmerding, The Spending Power: A History of the Efforts of Congress to Control Expenditures (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1946), p. 39.
  • 10Thad Hall, Authorizing Policy (Columbus; Ohio State University Press, 2004), p. 38.












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