
“以谶解经”的学术风潮与王逸的《楚辞》阐释 被引量:2

The Academic Trend to Explain the Confucian Classics by Divination Combined with Mystical Confucianist Belief and Wang Yi's Interpretation of The Songs of Chu
摘要 在东汉思想文化领域中,谶纬占据了主导性地位,而出于维系儒术独尊地位之虑,儒生经师多藉谶纬来训诂文辞,阐说经意,试图利用谶纬的神圣性来论证儒经之权威性,这就使得此期经学研究呈现出"以谶解经"之特征。受此种学术风潮影响,王逸在通过强调《离骚》"依经立义"、尊其为"经"等方式回应班固等人之批评的同时,还采取"以谶解经"之方式来阐释《楚辞》:或直接引用谶纬文献以诠释字词、疏通大意,或依谶纬"阴阳五行"与"天人感应"诸说来阐发主旨,使得《楚辞章句》中展现出浓郁的谶纬色彩。王逸所建构的此种依托谶纬观念的、以君臣关系为核心的《楚辞》阐释模式,既与当时权利阶层所期望传播的政治观念相契合,又易于被具有谶纬话语体系之集体共识的士人所认可,无疑具有重要意义。王逸注骚可谓典型。他所建构的依托谶纬观念的、以君臣关系为核心的《楚辞》阐释模式,既合当时权利阶层的期望传播的政治观念,又为以谶纬话语体系为集体共识的士人所认可。 In the ideological and cultural fields in the Eastern Han dynasty,the divination combined with mystical Confucianist belief occupied a dominant position,by which many scholars explained the Confucian classics in order to maintain the distinguished position of Confucianism. They tried to prove the Confucian classics have higher authority by using the sanctity of the divination combined with mystical Confucianist belief. As a result,the Confucian classic study during this period demonstrated the features of explaining the Confucian classics by the divination combined with mystical Confucianist belief. Influenced by this kind of academic trend,Wang Yi responded to Ban Gu's criticism by emphasizing Lishao( 《离骚》) presenting arguments in accordance with the Confucian classics and regarding it as a classic work. He also interpreted The Songs of Chu( 《楚辞》) in the same way to explain the Confucian classics by means of augury. He directly cited the divination literature to interpret the words and general ideas and elaborated his main ideas according to the theories of "the yin and yang and the five elements"and "heavenhuman induction",which made Chuci Zhangju( 《楚辞章句》) show a strong color of divination. The interpretation model of The Songs of Chu( 《楚辞》) constructed by Wang Yi relies on the concept of divination and takes the relationship between the monarch and the minister as the core,which is in line with the political ideas expected to spread by the power class at that time,is easy to be recognized by scholars with the collective consensus of the divining discourse system and is of great significance
作者 罗建新 辛甜甜 LUO Jian-xin;XIN Tian-tian(School of Chinese Language and Literature,China West Normal University,Nanchong 637009,China)
出处 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第4期65-70,共6页 Journal of China West Normal University:Philosophy & Social Sciences
关键词 以谶解经 《楚辞章句》 以纬注骚 意义 explaining the Confucian classics by divination combined with mystical Confucianist belief Chuci Zhangju (《楚辞章句》) interpreting poetry in the style of Lishao( {{}}) by means of augury significance
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