
文艺创作中的潜意识复制及其民事责任 被引量:2

On the Subconscious Copying and Civil Liability in Literary and Artistic Creation
摘要 文艺创作中存在着潜意识复制之行为现象。在近年来的音乐、文学等理论和实践中,有关潜意识复制的行为性质及民事责任的承担话题逐渐成为热议焦点,但学界对之缺乏深入研究。在现有版权法评价框架内,潜意识复制将构成民事侵权,行为人主观意识的缺失并不能成为责任豁免的理由。鉴于否定性的版权法评价会对作品的创作带来极大的阻滞效应、证明效率上的考虑无法成为责任风险转移的正当理由、严格责任已是不合时宜的版权法理念等多维度原因考虑,应当对潜意识复制的民事责任框架进行调适,可选择的路径包括将潜意识复制排除在版权侵权责任的范畴之外,提高侵权标准中对"接触"要素的证明要求,对潜意识复制侵权的救济范围进行调整等。 There exists subconscious copying phenomenon during literary and artistic creation. In recmusic and literature theory and practice, the behavior quality witli respect to subconscious copying and the burden of liability therefore has been a heatedly disputed topic, but there exists no deep research for it in the academic field. The subconscious copying will constitute civil infringement within current copyright lawappraisal framework. For the person committing such act, the lacking of consciousness may not be an excuse Ur remitting liability. Because the negative appraisal for subconscious copying may generon works creation, the consideration on proof efficiency can not be due basis for shifting the risk for liability,the strict liability has become an outdated copyright concpt and otii er reasons, so we should adapt tii e civilliability framework for subconscious copying. Such paths can be chosen as excluding the from the copyright infringement liability scope, heighteningtheproof standard for “ access ” element in infringement test, and adjusting the remedy extent for subconscious copying infringement.
作者 杨红军 Yang Hongjim(School of Law of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou Henan 450001)
机构地区 郑州大学法学院
出处 《河南财经政法大学学报》 2018年第5期99-107,共9页 Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"WEB 2.0环境下用户生成内容(UGC)的版权配置研究"的阶段性成果(项目编号:17BFX084)
关键词 文艺创作 潜意识复制 版权法 独立创作 无辜侵权 literary and artistic creation subconscious copying copyrght law independent creation innocent infringement
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