
法律效力的道德条件比较分析 被引量:1

Comparative Analysis of the Legal Effect of Moral Conditions
摘要 法实证主义将法律效力的条件诉诸社会事实,与道德无关。该主张不能合理解释法律为什么有效,不能区分"守法义务"与"抢匪命令"。同时,该主张将法律效力诉诸于立法者的法律创制活动,由于创制的法律可能为恶,也可能为善,不能避免"恶法亦法"的实践困境;自然法学派主张法律有效必须满足道德条件,符合道德标准。该主张未能动摇哈特关于"法律与道德彼此之间并不存在概念上的必然联系",反驳了自然法学派关于道德对法律资格效力的影响;德沃金试图开辟第三条道路,重点关注道德如何影响和作用法律裁判实践与推理,即最终作为裁判根据的法律,需通过其建构性诠释中的"符合"与道德"证立"的双重检验,换言之,法律是从一组融贯的政治道德原则中推导出来,并为当下的法律实践提供了最佳的道德证立。法律与道德没有必然关联不等于法律可以独立于道德,法律与道德有必然关联也不意味着道德等于法律。 The law positivism believes that the legal effect condition appeals to the social fact,has nothing to do with morality.It cannot reasonably explain why the law is effective,it cannot distinguish between "compliance obligation"and "robber orders".At the same time,the author advocates that the legal effect should be brought to the legal creation of the legislator,because the legislator may be evil or good,and cannot avoid the practice dilemma of "evil law and law";The natural law school argues that the law must satisfy moral conditions and meet moral standards.But the claim has not been able to shake hart about "does not exist between law and morality conceptual connection",successfully against the natural law school of moral role and influence of the legal effect;Dworkin trying to open up the third way,focusing on how moral influence and role of adjudication practice and reasoning,which eventually as the referee according to law,through the constructive interpretation "in"and the moral of the double inspection of"moral",in short,the law of political moral principles from a set of melt injection,are derived and the present legal practice provides the best ethical moral. However,it is important to be aware of the role and influence of morality on legal effectivenes:legal and moral not necessarily correlation does not equal can be independent of the moral law,there is a correlation does not mean the moral law and morality is equal to the law.
作者 罗时贵 LUO Shigui(Law school,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088,China)
出处 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期144-152,共9页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社科基金重点项目资助"良法善治视域下法治与德治关系研究"(15AZX021)
关键词 法律效力 道德条件 法实证主义 自然法学派 德沃金 the legal effect moral conditions methodism matural law school dworkin
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