
公共服务与劳动力流动——基于个体及家庭异质性视角的分析 被引量:25

On Public Services and Labor Mobility:From the Perspective of Individual and Family Heterogeneity
摘要 基于2016年中国家庭追踪调查数据(CFPS2016)中劳动力流动的微观数据与31个省份的区域特征数据,研究公共服务对劳动力流向的影响,并进一步考察劳动力个体及家庭异质性对其流动中公共服务偏好的影响效果。研究表明,地区公共服务水平与劳动力转移正相关,劳动者除了追求经济收益外,更倾向于流入基础教育和医疗服务水平较高的城市;个体特征中,受教育程度强化了劳动者流动中对基础教育和医疗服务的偏好,而年龄因素只对地区教育水平敏感,且随着年龄的上升,影响效果减弱;家庭特征中,16岁以下子女数和家庭教育支出显著影响劳动力转移过程中对教育水平的偏好,而家庭老人数和家庭医疗开支提高了劳动者向高医疗水平地区流动的几率。这表明外来人口在平等享受流入地公共服务方面初见成效,然而劳动者流动在一定程度上背负着让个人及家庭享受更好教育与医疗的使命。为此,政府应增加流入地的基本公共服务供给,提高其覆盖率和可及性;积极推进公共服务均等化,使劳动力能够享受到同等的基本公共服务;继续推进户籍制度改革,消除劳动力流动中的制度障碍;完善流动人口档案,充分发挥基层居委会、社区医院在公共服务提供中的作用。 Taking both the micro data on labor mobility from CFPS 2016 and regional data of 31 provinces,this study aims to examine the influence of labor mobility on public service and the effect of individual characteristics and family heterogeneity on workers' preference for public services. The findings are as follows: First,regional public services is positively related to labor transfer,which means,aside from higher salary and better job opportunities,workers tend to flow into cities with relatively better elementary education and medical services; Second,among individual characteristics,workers' education years significantly affect their preference for elementary education and medical services while the influence of workers' age is sensitive only at the local educational level and wanes as workers grow older; Third,among family factors,the number of children aged below 16 and the expense on family education significantly influence the preference for better education in the process of labor transfer,while the number of the aged in the family as well as the expense on family health care improve the likelihood of the transfer to regions with better medical conditions. These findings indicate that the migrant workers has enjoyed the equal right of public services in the place of influx. However,since workers on the mobility assume the duty of allowing themselves as well as their families to enjoy better educational and medical opportunities,the local government should expand the supply of basic public services,improve the coverage rate and accessibility. And the government should actively promote the equalization of public services so that the labor force can enjoy the same basic public services. Meanwhile,the household registration system has been further reformed to eliminate institutional restrictions in the flow of labor. Furthermore,the government should perfect the archives of the floating population,give full play to the grass-roots residents' committees,community hospitals in the provision of public service.
作者 王有兴 杨晓妹 WANG You-xing;YANG Xiao-mei(Center for Industrial and Business Organization,Dongbei University of Finance & Economics,Dalian 116025;Anhui University Finance & Economics,Bengbu 233030,China)
出处 《广东财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期62-74,共13页 Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics
基金 安徽省教育厅优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目(gxyqZD2016096) 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目(AHSKYG2017D115) 安徽财经大学校级重点科研项目(ACKY1707ZDB)
关键词 公共服务 劳动力流动 劳动力转移 基础教育 医疗服务 public service labor mobility labor transfer elementary education medical service
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