
构建海外生物安全监测预警网络的思考 被引量:2

Thoughts and suggestions on constructing biosafety surveillance and early warning network overseas
摘要 随着经济全球化和跨国旅游业的发展,各国之间人员往来频繁,贸易流通与日俱增,随之而来的是新发突发传染病跨区域、大范围扩散等生物安全问题。近年来,中国出入境人数逐年上升,新发和输入性病媒传播疾病不断出现,时而引发暴发疫情,给人民健康和生命安全造成危害。中国在拓展利益空间的同时,须以全球视角关注生物安全态势。为了更好地应对日趋严峻的外来生物安全威胁,中国应走出国门,统一部署,布设一批疫情监测哨点和联合实验室,开展病原生物监测及重大传染病跨区域传播风险预测预警研究,发展海外生物安全监测预警网络体系,将生物危害防御关口前移至海外重要地域,提升我国全球生物威胁感知和早期风险预警能力。 With the development of the economic globalization and transnational tourism,personnel exchanges between countries are frequent and trade flows are increasing. What followed was the emergence of biosafety issues such as the spread of new infectious diseases and the emerging infectious diseases. In recent years,the number of people entering and leaving our country has been increasing year by year. The emerging or imported infectious diseases have continued to emerge in our country from time to time. It caused harm to people's health and life safety. While expanding the interest space of China,it must take a global perspective and pay attention to the biosafety situation. In order to cope with the growing threat of alien biological security,China should deploy a number of epidemic monitoring sentinels and joint laboratories in a unified manner,carry out monitoring and early warning research on pathogenic organisms,carry out studies on the forecasting and early warning of trans-regional transmission risks of major infectious diseases,and establish a network system for overseas biosafety monitoring and early warning. Move the biohazard defense gateway forward to important areas overseas,to enhance our global biothreat awareness and enhance our early warning capabilities.
作者 孙宇 SUN Yu(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Tsinghua University Press)
出处 《中国公共卫生管理》 2018年第4期461-464,共4页 Chinese Journal of Public Health Management
基金 国家科技重大专项(2013ZX10004218) 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC1201300)
关键词 生物安全 监测 预警 海外 biosecurity monitoring early warning overseas
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