目的 分析经尿道前列腺汽化剜除术对前列腺增生的疗效.方法 选取2017年6月至2018年3月收治的86例前列腺增生患者,所有患者均行手术治疗,按照不同术式将其分成手术组A与手术组B,每组43例.手术组A应用传统术式治疗,手术组B应用经尿道前列腺汽化剜除术治疗,对比两组手术相关指标、并发症发生情况、生活质量评分与前列腺评分.结果 手术组B的手术时间、术中出血量、术后残留尿量、住院时间均少于手术组A,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);手术组A的并发症发生率为16.3%,手术组B为4.7%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);对比两组患者手术后的生活质量评分与前列腺评分,手术组B均低于手术组A,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 经尿道前列腺汽化剜除术对前列腺增生的疗效显著,可明显改善手术相关指标,提高生活质量评分与前列腺评分,且并发症发生率低,值得临床推广.
Objective To analyze the curative effect of transurethral vaporization of the prostate enucleation on benign prostatic hyperplasia.Methods Eighty-six patients with benign prostatic hyper-plasia were selected from June 2017 to March 2018.All of the patients were treated by operation.Ac-cording to different surgical procedures , the patients were divided into operation group A and operation group B, with 43 cases in each group.The operation group A was treated with traditional operation , and the operation group B was treated with transurethral vaporized enucleation of the prostate .The operation related indicators, complications, quality of life scores and prostate scores were recorded.Results The operation time, amount of bleeding, residual urine volume , time of hospitalization of the operation group B were less than those of the operation group A , the differences were significant ( P〈0.05).The inci-dence of complications of the operation group A was 16.3%, which was 4.7%in the operation group B, the difference was significant ( P〈0.05).The quality of life scores and prostate scores in operation group B were lower than those in operation group A , the differences were significant ( P〈0.05 ). Conclusions Transurethral vaporization of prostate has significant effect on prostatic hyperplasia , which can obviously improve the related indexes of operation , the quality of life scores and prostate scores , and the incidence of complications is low , so it worthy of clinical practice.
Sang Haiming;Sun Yun;Chu Yong(Department of Urology,Shihezi People's Hospital,Shihezi 832000,China)
Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine
Transurethral vaporesection of the prostate
Prostatic hyperplasia
Curative effect