
社会主义金融必须回归本源--学习习近平金融服务实体经济思想的相关论述 被引量:7

Finance Calls for Restoring Its Original Duty:A Study of Xi Jin-ping's Statements on the Thought of Finance Serving the Real Economy
摘要 习近平高度重视经济金融工作,提出了一系列创新性的理论观点与战略举措,深刻揭示了金融在现代化经济体系中的重要地位与作用,形成了系统的金融服务实体经济思想。习近平金融服务实体经济思想以马克思主义政治经济学为理论基础,结合中国经济发展实践和国际经济金融发展的经验教训,形成并得以完善。其中,金融必须回归服务实体经济的本源,是金融服务实体经济思想的明确要求;完善综合协调监管机制、防范系统性金融风险,是金融服务实体经济思想特别强调的新理念;政府调控与市场导向并举,是金融服务实体经济思想的新思路。这三部分内容构成了习近平金融服务实体经济思想的主体部分,也充分体现了习近平注重实践、稳中求进的经济建设工作方法论特点。同时,习近平金融服务实体经济思想还蕴含丰富的理论意义、现实意义和国际意义,对于解决目前我国金融领域存在的突出问题,做好新时期的金融工作至关重要。 Highly stressing the importance of economic and financial work, Xi Jin-ping put forward a series of innovative theoretical perspectives and strategic measures, profoundly exposed the important role and significance of finance in modern economic system, and built up a system of supporting finance to serve the real economy.Theoretically based on Marxist political economics, Xi Jin-ping' s thoughts on finance serving the real economy forge and mature through the practice of China's economic development and the experience and lessons of international financial and economic development. It is the specific requirement of Xi's thoughts that Finance should restore its original duty of serving real economy; it is the new concept of his thoughts to optimize the comprehensive mechanism for coordination and supervision and prevent systematic financial risks; and balanced government regulation and market orientation represent the new thinking of his thoughts. These three parts constitute the core of Xi Jin-ping's thoughts on finance serving the real economy, fully reflecting the characteristics of his methodology for economic construction that Xi pays attention to practice and steady progress. At the same time, the thoughts also contains rich significance for theories, realities and international issues, playing an indispensable role in coping with marked issues in current financial field in China and improving financicial work.
作者 韩汉君 王玉
出处 《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第7期28-37,共10页 Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories
基金 上海社会科学院创新工程“上海国际金融中心建设研究”创新型智库的研究成果
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