

Analysis of the Optimization of Underground Power Supply System
摘要 结合具体工程实际,在分析不足的基础上对供电系统优化方向做出探究,进而总结出具有针对性的井下供电系统改造方案。其结果表明,改造后供电系统运行稳定,井下生产中电气故障频率显著下降,供电运行效率大幅提升,为矿井生产的持续更好发展奠定了良好基础。 Combined with the concrete engineering practice, this paper analyzed the deficiencies of the power supply system,explored its optimization and summarized the corresponding optimization schemes for the underground power supply system. The results showed that the power supply system ran steadily after transformation, the frequency of electrical fault in underground production was decreased significantly, and the efficiency of power supply was greatly improved, which laid a good foundation for the continuous and better development of mine production.
作者 马洪涛 MA Hongtao(Majiliang Coal Mine,Datong Coal Mine Group,Datong 037000,Shanxi,China)
出处 《能源与节能》 2018年第9期12-13,47,共3页 Energy and Energy Conservation
关键词 矿井 供电系统 优化改造 应用效果 mine power supply system optimization and transformation application effect
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