The early Uighur Buddhism was strongly influenced by the Tocharian Buddhism.The Dunhuang version of Uighur Ara爟emi Jtaka is one of the earliest extant Buddhist Uighur manuscripts and is believed to be accessed from a Tocharian sutra.The Turfan version of Uighur Ara爟emi Jtaka is,however,dated to a later period and show some differences from the Dunhuang version.Based on a comparative analysis between the content of Dunahuang version,and the parallel text of Tocharian B and Tocharian A versions,it could be concluded that the early Uighur version was based on the Tocharian B version,with a reference to the Tocharian A version.The detailed comparison between the Dunhuang and Turfan versions indicates that the latter is much closer to the original Tocharian text.From the end of the 10th century to the 11th century,Buddhism replaced Manichaeaism and became as the state religion of the West Uighur Kingdom,and the transcription and translation of sutras by Uighur Buddhists moved into high gear.Modified versions of some Buddhist literature translated earlier appeared during this period.Meanwhile,Buddhist scriptures in Han Chinese replaced the Tocharian Buddhist scriptures and became the main source of scripture translation of Uighur Buddhists.Therefore,the Turfan version is quite likely to be made during this period and can be viewed as one of the products associated with the flourishing of Uighur Buddhism as well as the last trace of Tocharian Buddhism in Uighur Buddhism.
The Western Regions Studies