
历史唯物主义语境中的“人权”概念与“历史”概念——基于《德意志意识形态》及相关文本的分析 被引量:1

Concepts of Human Rights and History in the Context of Historical Materialism:An Analysis Based on Marx's The German Ideology and Some Related Texts
摘要 马克思关于人权问题的经典阐释,应作为构建中国特色人权话语的重要智识资源。理解马克思关于人权问题的论述,应区分作为概念呈现的人权与作为观念显露的人权。"历史"是《德意志意识形态》的核心概念,而且,在历史唯物主义语境中,"历史"概念实际上存在着三重面相。一是作为世界观的历史(历史Ⅰ);二是作为"史前史"的现实历史(历史Ⅱ);三是作为未来之理想状况的"真正的历史"(历史Ⅲ)。基于这三种"历史"概念的理解和分析框架,恰恰能够解释历史唯物主义对待"人权"的基本立场。在《德意志意识形态》中,一方面,马克思通过批判"历史Ⅱ",相应地批判了人权的概念形式,即启蒙话语中的人权概念;另一方面,基于马克思对"历史Ⅰ"和"历史Ⅲ"的论述,可以发掘出一种超越启蒙人权概念的、更加彻底的人本主义观念。 Marx's classical interpretation of human rights issues should serve as important intellectual resources for constructing the human rights discourse with Chinese characteristics. To understand Marx's discourse on human rights, we should distinguish the human rights presented as concepts from the human rights presented as opinions. History is also a core concept in Marx's The German Ideology, and in the context of historical materialism, the concept of history actually has triple faces: the first one is the history as the world view ( History I ) ; the second is the realistic history as prehistory ( History II ) ; and the third is the real history of the ideal future ( History III) . The understanding and analytical framework of these three concepts of history can shed light on the basic position of historical materialism in regarding human rights. In The German Ideology, through criticizing History II, Marx criticized the form of the concept of human rights, i.e. the concept of human rights in the enlightenment discourse. In Marx's discourse on History I and History II, we can discover a humanistic view on human rights which is superior to and more fundamental than the concept of human rights developed during the Enlightenment.
作者 李超群
出处 《法治现代化研究》 2018年第2期71-84,共14页 Law and Modernization
基金 重庆市社会科学规划项目"马克思主义人权思想与中国当代发展权理论研究"(2016BS002)研究成果
关键词 马克思 历史唯物主义 人权 历史 物象 Marx historical materialism human rights history object
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