

Transformation of Russia's Society and Development of the Legal System of Private Law
摘要 俄罗斯在现代社会转型期以私法原则为指导,以保护私权为中心,历经15年编纂完成的新民法典内容体系包括七编:民法总则、所有权和其他物权、债法总则、债法分则、继承法、国际私法、智力活动成果与个性化标识权(知识产权法),是俄罗斯民事立法史上制度最全、内容最新的法典,为俄罗斯调整现代市场关系确立了统一的法律规范,被称为私法在俄罗斯复兴的重要标志。俄罗斯民法典的编纂及其内容体系的形成,有其历史背景、理论前提、政治经济体制改革的环境和立法的"法言法语化",也是俄罗斯国家私法法制发展的结果。研究和分析俄罗斯私法的历史发展以及在社会转型期私法体系的建立,对于我国正在进行的民法典编纂和法治现代化建设具有重要的启示意义和借鉴作用。 Russia takes the private law principle to guide protection of private rights. It has taken 15 years for the country of seven parts: general provisions; specifications of ownership provisions; obligation law; inheritance law; specific intellectual activities and personalized I latest code in the history of Russian civ ogos (i.e. inte il legislation. its to social transformation, which centers on the complete its new civil code, which consists and other property rights; general obligation provisions of international law; right to the results of llectual property right law). This is the most complete and The code has established a unified legal norm for Russia to regulate the relationship between different parties in the market and is thus regarded as an important symbol of the revival of private law in Russia. The compilation of Russia's civil code and the formation of its content system is based on a specific historical background, theoretical premise, environment of political and economic system reforms and de-ideologization in legislation. It also results from the development of Russia's private law system. The research and analysis of the historical development of private law in Russia and the revival of private law in the period of social transformation have great implications for the building of civil code and the modernization of legal system in China.
作者 鄢一美
出处 《法治现代化研究》 2018年第3期171-186,共16页 Law and Modernization
关键词 俄罗斯 社会转型 民法典编纂 私法体系 私法原则 Russia social transformation codification of civil code private law system principles of private law








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