
产程中胎方位异常的管理 被引量:4

摘要 近年来因胎方位异常行剖宫产的发生率逐渐升高,胎方位异常主要表现为产程的异常,而胎方位异常早期诊断存在较大难度。阴道指检是产程中了解胎方位的主要方式,近年来超声和磁共振在判断产程胎方位异常方面的研究有不少新进展。目前,纠正胎方位异常最主要的措施为徒手旋转胎头,产程的规范管理包括自有体位分娩等,有助于纠正异常胎方位,促进自然分娩。 Recently, the incidence of caesarean section with fetal malpositon has gradually increased, and mainly manifestation is abnormal process of labor. The early diagnosis of fetal malpositon is difficult, the main method of understanding the fetal position is vagina detection during the process of birth. In recent years, there have been a lot of new advances for judging the malpositon of the birth process in the study of ultrasonic and magnetic resonance. The main measure to correct the malposition of fetal is the unarmed rotation of the fetal head. The standardized management of the birth process, including the own position of the body position, helps to correct the malposition and promote natural childbirth.
出处 《妇产与遗传(电子版)》 2018年第2期55-58,共4页 Obstetrics-Gynecology and Genetics (Electronic Edition)
关键词 胎方位 原因 诊断 处理 Fetal position Cause Diagnosis Treatment
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