
基于H桥级联型多电平逆变器的FPGA应用研究 被引量:1

Research on FPGA Application of Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Based on H Bridge
摘要 针对H桥级联型多电平逆变器的单元个数多,数据实时性要求高、控制复杂等难点,为H桥逆变单元设计了一种基于FPGA的通用控制系统。将级联多电平逆变器控制系统中的调制策略、信号检测以及故障报警等功能分配到FPGA上实现,DSP仅负责控制策略和系统运行流程,大大减少了DSP的资源占用,缩短了控制周期,因此动态响应快,计算精度高。在实际应用中,只需改变DSP中的控制策略就可以将该通用控制系统运用至不同电压等级的动态电压恢复器、高压变频器等设备中。试验结果证明了该控制系统的可行性和有效性。 Aiming at the difficulties of high real-time data and complicated control for H-bridge cascaded multilevel inverters,ageneral-purpose control system based on FPGA for H-bridge inverter unit was designed.The modulation strategy,signal detection and fault alarm functions in the cascade multilevel inverter control system were allocated to FPGA.DSP was only responsible for the control strategy and system operation process,which greatly reduces the resource occupation of DSP and shortens the control cycle.Therefore,the dynamic response was fast and the computation accuracy was high.In practical application,the general control system can be applied to the dynamic voltage restorer,high voltage inverter and other equipments with different voltage levels only by changing the control strategy in DSP.The test results proved the feasibility and effectiveness of the control system.
作者 周悦 王江涛 ZHOU Yue;WANG Jiang-tao(Shanghai Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Branch,Shanghai 200420,China)
出处 《通信电源技术》 2018年第7期42-44,48,共4页 Telecom Power Technology
关键词 FPGA 多电平 逆变器 FPGA multilevel inverter
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