

On the Repeated Recording of the Poems by Liu Guo,Jiang Kui,Wang Dashou,Xu Jingsun,Chen Jie and Xie Fangde in An Anthology of Poems of the Song Dynasty
摘要 《全宋诗》著录诗人九千余人,卷帙浩繁,出之众人,因此不可避免会出现重收诗现象。对此,学界已做了不少修订工作。近来,通过查阅文献,发现刘过、姜夔、王大受、徐经孙、陈杰、谢枋得诸人名下还有24首诗句与他人重出,这些重出诗大多数是《全宋诗》编者据它书辑佚时产生,比如《诗渊》《江西诗征》《宋百家诗存》诸书,其中徐经孙名下重出诗有七首是据明曹学佺《石仓历代诗选》辑佚时产生,因以上这些书籍基本上都是大型诗歌文献集,比较芜杂,故很容易出错或导致重出,这是《全宋诗》编者在辑佚时应特别注意的地方。 There are quite a number of poems repeatedly recorded in the An Anthology of Poems of the Song Dynasty,which is inevitable since such a large volume includes the poems of more than 9,000 poets. In response,the academic circle has done lots of amendment to the volume. Recently,24 poems have been found to be repeatedly recorded written by Liu Guo,Jiang Kui,Wang Dashou,Xu Jingshou,Chen Jie,and Xie Fangde via consulting relevant literature. Most of the repeatedly recorded poems were produced when the compilers of An Anthology of Poems of the Song Dynasty collated and compiled it according to other books such as Origin of Poems,Poems by Jiangxi Poets and Song Baijia Shicun. 7 repeatedly recorded poems by Xu Jingsun were produced when compiled according to the Shicang Poems of the Past Dynasties compiled and collated by Cao Mingquan in Ming Dynasty. As almost all of the above mentioned books are large poetry collections,they are relatively disorderly and unsystematic,thus easily leading to the errors and repeated recording of poems during the compilation,to which the compilers of An Anthology of Poems of the Song Dynasty should have paid special attention.
作者 陈小辉 CHEN Xiaohui(Xinhua College of Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510520,China)
出处 《河北工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第2期27-32,共6页 Journal of Hebei University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 全宋诗 重出 刘过 姜夔 王大受 徐经孙 陈杰 谢枋得 An Anthology of Poems of the Song Dynasty repeated recording of poems Liu Guo Jiang Kui WangDashou Xu Jingsun Chen Jie Xie Fangde
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