

Proofreading and Revision of Wu Di Ben Ji
摘要 《史记》文本研究是根本性研究,无尽时,无止时。要综合运用前人研究成果,以全新的视角进行创新思考,深化研究。一是文本疏证研究,从题评、句释、研讨、语译、集说等方面作立体思考。二是疑难考辨研究,对疑难问题逐一梳理,提出结论性意见。三是文本校正研究,逐一弄通弄透字、词、句的脱衍讹误以及与历史事实不符的问题,提出修正意见。四是简体规范研究,对分段、文字、标点进行统筹思考,形成简体规范文本。五是等译白话研究,按照去繁就简、等字替换原则进行系统梳理,形成等译白话文本。六是历代注疏通汇,形成文本研究的文献资料集成汇编。以上是《史记》文本研究的六种样式。文章以《五帝本纪》为研究对象,将校勘、考证、辨析、评判、求真融为一体,对认为有讹误的38处逐一进行考辨分析,汇集历代注家提出的问题和研究的成果,深入思考,断以己意,并形成简体修正文本。 The text study of Historical Records is endless, therefore it is necessary to comprehensively apply the achievements of predecessors, and innovate in thinking and deepen the research with a new perspective. The first is the study of textual evidence, to take the evaluation of the subject, sentence interpretation, discussion, language translation, theory into three-dimensional consider-ation. The second is the study of difficult pioblems by sorting out difficult problems one by one, and presenting conclusive opinions. The third is the study of text correction. The problem of the deviation of word, words and sentences and the problems that axe incon-sistent with historical facts solved one by one and proposed with amendments. The fourth is the study of simplified norms, which con- siders segmentation, text,and punctuation to form a simplified text. The fifth is the translation of vernacular research, according to the principle of simplification and principle of equivalent translation of vernacular text. The sixth is the integration of the literature and integrated compilation of documentation that forms textual research. The above are the six styles of the study of the text of Histor-ical Records. This paper takes Wu Di Ben Ji as the research object, integrates the collation, research, analysis, judgment and truth -seeking, and integrates the problems raised by the previous generations and the research results, deeply thinking, breaking their own intentions, and thinking that there is a fallacy. 38 mistakes were analyzed one by one and a simplified text was formed.
作者 朱枝富 ZHU Zhi-fu(Jiangsu Industrial Overseas Development and Planning Association,Nanjing 210000,China)
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2018年第17期21-36,共16页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
关键词 《五帝本纪》 集校 修正 文本研究 综论 Wu Di Ben Ji recension correction text research review
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