
从《丝路走廊的报告:甘青特有民族文化形态研究》一书说起——纪念郝苏民先生从事民族文化研究60余年 被引量:1

A Talk Starts From The Report On The Corridor Of Silk Road:Research On Cultural Forms of Ethnic Minorities Unique To Gansu And Qinghai Provinces——In Memory of Hao Sumin Engaging In Ethnic Cultural Studies For Over Sixty Years
摘要 都苏民先生是中国著名的民俗学家、民族学家/人类学家、语言学家与教育家,精通蒙、藏等多种民族语言,研究兴趣广泛,学富五车,著作等身,其学术思想影响深远。任何一位学者思想的产生都不是其突发奇想或苦思冥想的结果,他的遭际、他周围的环境、他的人生际遇等等诸多因素都会在一定程度上影响其思考方式及价值观表达,进而体现和反映在其文化实践活动中。本研究以郝苏民先生《丝路走廊报告》一书为窗口,透视与分析先生从事西北民族文化研究六十余年之人生、学术与心路历程,讨论其如何将蒙古语言作为文化因子透视民族文化习俗,在跨文化比较中揭示相邻民族文化之间的影响、交流、互补的历史与认同轨迹;分析其如何克服作为少数民族学者身份的文化研究主位视角及文化本位主义,并透过此窗口来理解先生在不同的环境中如何将人生与学术加以串联,最终融为其文化研究与学术思想之中。 Professor Hao Sumln is a well-known in the fields of Folklore, Ethnology, Anthropology, Linguistic, and Education as well, and is proficient in Mongolian and Tibetan. He is a learned man with interests in many fields, and his academic ideas have great influence. We know that any academic idea will never be the result of an inspiration, factors such as his living habitat and life experiences, to some extents, will have effects on his mind and values, which, in turn, will be reflected in his academic research Based on Hao's masterpiece The Report OnThe Corridor Of Silk Road, this paper tries to describe and analyze Hao's academic experiences and life stories in the past sixty years, and explore how he studied the ethnic cultures and folklore on the basis of studying Mongolian language, h also tries to discuss how he traces the tracks of mutual influences, interchanges and identification among different ethnic groups, and analyze how he overcomes his emic perspective and cultural-centralism as a Hui Minority researcher, and tries to gain a better understanding of how his life sufferings and experiences embedded in his research on ethnic cultures and his academic ideas as well.
作者 袁同凯 康红欣 YUA N Tong-kai;KA NG Hong-xin
机构地区 南开大学
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期55-60,共6页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目<中华民族文化与国家认同研究>(批准号:17JZD043)阶段性成果
关键词 郝苏民 民族文化形态 语言 花儿 皮影 Snmln Ethnic Cultural Forms Languages Hua'er Shadow Plays
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  • 1"文化空间"是指某个民间或传统文化活动集中的地区,或某种特定的、定期的文化事件所选定的时间.
  • 2第十二届全国回族学研讨论文汇编[C].(内刊)
  • 3何俊芳.赫哲族语言丢失的社会文化因素分析[J].中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2002,29(2):30-35. 被引量:10










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