

In Deep Memory of Professor Fan Boqun: With a Discussion of Professor Fan's Academic Works in His Later Years
摘要 范伯群先生在江苏凤凰教育出版社(原江苏教育出版社)出版了很多重要的学术著作,如《中国近现代通俗文学史》(2000版,2010年再版),《填平雅俗鸿沟—范伯群学术论著自选集》(2013版),《中国现代通俗文学与通俗文化互文研究》(2017版)以及《中国近现代通俗小说史略》("经典中国外译项目",待出版)。作者既为范伯群先生的学生,又是这一系列学术著作的责任编辑,见证了它们出版的全过程。文章回忆了与作为老师和作者的范伯群先生的交往细节,呈现了范先生为人、为师、为文点滴之间的高贵。 Jiangsu Phoenix Education Press (formerly Jiangsu Education Press) published a lot of important academic works by Professor Fan Boqun, which include A History of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Popular Literature (2000 and republished in 2010), Filling the Gap Between High and Popular Literature: A Personal Anthology of Fan Boqun’s Academic Works (2013), An Intertextual Research of Chinese Contemporary Popular Literature and Popular Culture (2017), and A Brief History of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Popular Fiction (“Translation Project of Chinese Academic Works”, yet to publish) . As a student of Professor Fan Boqun, and executive editor of a series of his academic works, the author witnessed the complete publication process of these works. The author recalls in the paper the moments with Professor Fan Boqun as a tutor and writer, and demonstrates Professor Fan’s nobility as a man, as a tutor, and as a writer.
作者 章俊弟 ZHANG Jundi(Jiangsu Phoenix Education Press,Nanjing 210009,China)
出处 《苏州教育学院学报》 2018年第4期58-62,共5页 Journal of Suzhou College of Education
关键词 范伯群 江苏凤凰教育出版社 中国通俗文学 《中国近现代通俗文学史》 《填平雅俗鸿沟——范伯群学术论著自选集》 《中国现代通俗文学与通俗文化互文研究》 学术史 Fan Boqun Jiangsu Phoenix Education Press Chinese popular literature A History of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Popular Literature Filling the Gap Between High and Popular Literature: A Personal Anthology of Fan Boqun’s Academic Works An Intertextual Research of Chinese Contemporary Popular Literature and Popular Culture academic history








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