The "Error cost" analysis framework, which began in the 1970s, was widely brought into the mainstream antitrust analysis by the Chicago School, and the paradigm was frequently invoked in the modern era. Thirty-five years after the publication of The Antitrust Paradox, antitrustconservatives in general continue to support Bork's program of focusing antitruston anticompetitive horizontal price fixing and market division and horizontalmergers leading to monopoly or duopoly, while circumscribing orabandoning antitrust's concern with small horizontal mergers, price discrimination, and exclusionary conduct. However, today's antitrustconservatives' advocacy of further changes to antitrust rules is based on aseries of erroneous assumptions about markets and institutions. These assumptionssystematically overstate the incidence and significance of falsepositives, understate the incidence and significance of false negatives, and understate the net benefits of various rules by overstating their costs.To protect a robust, effective, and socially beneficial competition policy, antitrust policy must avoid the erroneous application of error costanalysis.
Competition Policy Research