

Research on Scientific and Technological Output Capacity of Agriculture in China
摘要 在明确农业科技产出的分类、产出成果形式和地区分布的基础上,对我国农业科技产出作数量分析.结果表明,我国农业科技专利数量有增长趋势,东部地区专利数量明显高于其他地区.农业技术成交金额上升较快,技术市场发展越来越完善. SCI论文发表数量虽然有所波动,但总体上是呈上涨趋势.其中农学论文数远远高出其他学科,林学和畜牧兽医科学不分上下,水产学最低,且比较稳定.我国农业科技产出仍然存在农业科技成果的质量不高,农业企业技术创新能力不强,成果转化率偏低等问题,应通过提高政府有形之手的针对性,完善农业科技成果评价机制,增强龙头企业技术创新能力来解决. On the basis of classification, and summary of output form and regional distribution of agricultural scientific and technological output, quantitative analysis is made of the output of scientific and technological agricul- ture in China. The research results show that there is a growing trend in the number of agricultural science and tech- nology patents in China. The amount of patents in the eastern region is obviously higher than that in other regions. The turnover of agricultural technology has increased rapidly, and the technology market is growing to be perfect. The amount of research papers published in SCI is increasing in spite slight fluctuation, The amount of papers on agricul- ture science is far larger than that on other fields, and that on forestry science, animal husbandry and veterinary sci- ence are about the same, that aquaculture is the lowest and remains relatively stable. Problems in agricultural output are mainly reflected in the poor quality of the product of scientific and technological agriculture, inadequate innova- tion ability in agricultural technology, and low rate of scientific research achievements transformation. These problems can be solved by pertinent government involvement, perfecting the evaluation mechanism of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, and strengthening technology innovation the leading enterprises.
作者 陈学云 程长明 CHEN Xue-yun;CHENG Chang-ruing(School of Economics and Management,Chuzhou University,Chuzhou 239000,China)
出处 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2018年第8期44-48,共5页 Journal of Luoyang Normal University
基金 安徽高校人文社会科学研究重大项目(SK2018ZD034)
关键词 农业科技 产出能力 成果转化 agricultural science and technology output capacity achievements transformation
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