
基于元人种志的信息偶遇“用户”影响维度研究 被引量:7

Research on the Influence Dimension of 'User' in Information Encounter Based on Meta Ethnography
摘要 【目的/意义】为了更加深入地研究影响信息偶遇的因素,探讨用户维度下的影响因素,以及这些因素如何对信息偶遇产生影响,为日后如何提高用户信息偶遇发生机率提供参考。【方法/过程】采用元人种志这一较为新颖的定性分析方法,对原始研究进行综合集成。【结果/结论】本研究在"用户"维度下,最终集成了影响"用户"维度的子维度。子维度分别为"个性特征"、"个人情感状态"、"信息素养"、"认知风格"、"人口统计学特征"。每一个子维度下的因素对偶遇的程度有不同的影响,如"个性特征"子维度中,笔者发现越具有好奇心、创造力、兴趣越广泛、思维越活跃,以及具有准备的头脑的用户会更容易发生信息偶遇等等。 【Purpose/significance】In order to study the influence factors of more in-depth information encountering, to explore the factors influencing of the user dimension, and how these factors affect the information for the day after the encounter, how to improve the user information to provide the reference probability of encounter.【Method/process】Meta ethnography was used as a new qualitative analysis method to integrate the original research.【Result/conclusion】In the "user" dimension, this study ultimately integrates the sub dimensions that affect the "user" dimension. The sub dimensions of "user"dimension are "personality characteristics", "personal emotional state", "information literacy", "cognitive style", and "demographic characteristics"". There are different degree of influence factors of each dimension of the encounter, such as"personality" sub dimensions, the author has found more curiosity and creativity, interested in more extensive and more active thinking will be more prone to the occasional information etc.
作者 杨雨琪 YANG Yu-qi(Library of Hubei University For Nationalities,Enshi 445000,China)
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第9期46-51,56,共7页 Information Science
关键词 信息偶遇 影响因素 信息用户 元人种志 information encounter influence factors information user mata ethnography
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