
中学生校园暴力中施暴行为及影响因素分析 被引量:13

Prevalence and impact factors of school violent perpetrator behaviors among middle school students
摘要 目的探索中学生校园暴力中施暴的相关因素。方法采用Zung焦虑自评量表(SAS)、流调中心抑郁量表(CES-D)、Buss&Perry攻击量表、冲动量表以及自行编制的相关问题对某市1 200名中学生进行问卷调查,运用logistic回归分析探究中学生校园暴力中施暴及其影响因素。结果调查人群中施暴者所占比例为11.1%,其中男生高于女生(16.3%vs 6.9%,P<0.001);初三年级相对于其他年级施暴者的检出率高(21.0%vs 12.7%、9.0%、8.6%,P=0.001),仅与父母一方同住者较与父母双方同住的青少年施暴检出率高(20.5%vs 10.4%,P=0.007);男生(OR=2.042,P=0.002),初二(OR=0.452,P=0.047),初三(OR=1.961,P=0.046)仅与父母一方同住(OR=2.352,P=0.014),不能及时退出不良页面(OR=1.843,P=0.035),偏爱虚拟世界(经常:OR=2.374,P=0.016;总是:OR=4.432,P=0.003),赞同拳头义气的观点(OR=3.004,P<0.001),攻击性(OR=1.682,P=0.042)及焦虑感(OR=1.909,P=0.007)与中学生实施校园暴力有显著关联。结论男生、仅与父母一方同住、不能及时退出不良页面、赞同拳头义气的观点、偏爱虚拟世界、焦虑感和攻击性以及低年级与中学生施暴相关联。社会、学校、家庭应关注中学生施暴行为及其相关因素。 Objective To examine related factors of school violent perpetrator behaviors in middle school students.Methods Totally 1 200 students were selected with stratified cluster sampling in one junior and one senior high school in a city of Shandong province and were asked to complete the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale(SAS), Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D), Buss and Perry Aggression Scale, Impulsiveness Scale and a self-designed questionnaire anonymously in November 2016. Logistic regression model analysis was adopted in data analysis. Results Of the 1 094 students with valid response, 11.1% reported behaviors of being a perpetrator of campus violence; more boy students than the girl students reported the behaviors(16.3% vs. 6.9%, P〈0.001); more junior students of third grade reported the behaviors than the junior students of first and second grade and the senior students of first grade(21.0% vs.12.7%, 9.0%, 8.6 %, P =0.001); more students of living only with their father or mother reported the behaviors than the students living with both of their parents(20.5% vs. 10.4%, P = 0.007). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed following significant factors of perpetrator behaviors of the students: male gender(odds ratio [OR]= 2.042, P = 0.002), being a third grade junior student(versus a student of first grade: OR = 0.452, P = 0.047; versus second grade: OR = 1.961, P = 0.046), living with only father or mother(OR = 2.352, P = 0.014), unable to timely exit from web pages with illegal and harmful information when surfing internet(OR = 1.843, P = 0.035), with a preference for virtual world(often vs. never: OR = 2.374, P = 0.016; always vs.never: OR = 4.432, P = 0.003), having a positive attitude towards violence-based personal loyalty(OR = 3.004, P〈0.001),aggression tendency(OR = 1.682, P = 0.042), and anxiety(OR = 1.909, P = 0.007). Conclusion Male gender, living with one of their parents, unable to timely exit from web pages with illegal and harmful information when surfing internet, having a positive attitude towards violence-based personal loyalty, preference for virtual world, anxiety, aggression, and grade of schooling are major impact factors for perpetrator behaviors of campus violence among middle school students.
作者 刘小宁 肖永成 曲灵心 唐千湾 姚志英 刘珍珍 贾存显 LIU Xiao-ning;XIAO Yong-cheng;QU Ling-xin(Department of Epidemiology,School of Public Health,Shandong University,Ji'nan,Shandong Province 250012,China)
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期1129-1133,共5页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
关键词 青少年 校园暴力 网络 心理 adolescents school violence intemet psychology
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