

Textual Research into Analysis of Academic Origin Before Ming and Qing Dynasties
摘要 《麟凤呈祥秘书》是云南中医学院王志红教授于云南大理偶得的一本中医古籍,通过考证发现,该书是晚清时期以妇科为主体的手抄孤本,具有极大的研究价值。现就方剂层面对本书进行考证,分析其明清以前学术源流,发现本书具有遥宗经典,援据时方,独重丹溪,近崇陈自明的特点。作者对经方的引用以《伤寒论》《金匮要略》为主,但又不拘经方,而是直面临床,当属辨证论治一派。观本书方考发现,不论从其引据时方的数量,还是从作者重视脏腑、八纲、气血津液辨证的思维特征,该书当属时方体系,虽直接选用朱丹溪之方不多,但对其理论多有发挥,不妄搬照抄,颇有已见。本书也受陈自明不少影响,书中均可找到佐证论述。 Lin Feng Cheng Xiang Secretary is an ancient Chinese traditional Chinese medical book discovered accidently by Professor Wang Zhi-hong of Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Dali,Yunnan. Through textual research,it is found that the book is a copy of the hand copy about gynaecology in the late Qing Dynasty. It has great research value. We have presented a textual research on this book based on formula level and analyzed its academic origin before the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is found that the book is a classic,supports the time formulas,highly praises ZHU Dan-xi,and respects CHEN Zi-ming. The author's reference to classical prescriptions is mainly on"Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases"and"Essentials from the Golden Cabinet". But it is not confined to the classics,but directly to the clinical practice. It belongs to a school of syndrome differentiation. According to textual research,the book has found that Lin Feng Cheng Xiang Secretary belongs to the time-formula system based on either the number of its formulas or the characteristics of thinking the author paid attention to the viscera,the eight principles,qi and blood and body fluid. The author of this paper does not chosen the formulas of ZHU Dan-xi directly,but many of his theories have been brought into play. It does not copy word for word,but has a lot of special opinion. This book is also influenced by Chen Zi-ming,which can be found clearly in the book.
作者 夏婧 张博昊 王志红 XIA Jing;ZHANG Bo-hao;WANG Zhi-hong(Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Wuhan,Hubei,China,430065;Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Kunming,Yunnan,China,650500)
出处 《河南中医》 2018年第8期1155-1158,共4页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 《麟凤呈祥秘书》 方考 学术源流 明清以前 Lin Feng Cheng Xiang Secretarv textual research academic origin before Ming and Qing Dynasties
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