

Simulation Research on Grid Rectifier of Double-Fed Wind Power Generation System Based on Fuzzy PI Control
摘要 通过Matlab/Simulink搭建了基于混合型模糊PI控制的网侧变流器仿真模型,并与传统PI控制策略和常规修正PI参数的模糊控制策略分别进行对比分析,表明混合型模糊PI控制器较PI控制器较常规修正PI参数的模糊控制器超调量更小、响应速度更快。最后,针对不同电流阶跃工况,对混合型模糊控制器的抗干扰性能进行仿真验证。仿真结果表明,在不同工况下,混合型模糊控制器性能依然稳定,证明其具有良好的抗干扰性能。 By means of Matlab/Simulink platform, grid converter simulation model is established and compared with PI control strategy and conventionally modified PI control strategy separately. The simulation shows that the hybrid fuzzy controller make the dynamic characteristics more optimized, compared with both PI control and conventionally modified PI control strategy. Lastly, Aiming at different current step conditions, stability is verified through simulation. The experimental results of different conditions indicate that the hybrid fuzzy PI control has good anti-interference performance.
作者 谢峥 马相女 徐腾腾 XIE Zheng;MA Xiang-nv;XU Teng-teng(Qindao Sifang Rolling Stock Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao 266000,China;Qingdao Cigarette Factory,Qingdao 266000,China)
出处 《通信电源技术》 2018年第4期1-3,共3页 Telecom Power Technology
关键词 双馈风力发电系统 网侧变流器 混合型模糊PI控制 动态性能 抗干扰性能 double-fed wind power generation system grid rectifier hybrid fuzzy PI control dynamic characteristics anti- interference
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