
基于极限供需的建设用地区域差别化管控研究——以扬州市为例 被引量:4

Regional Differential Management and Control of Construction Land Based on Restricted Supply and Demand: A Case Study of Yangzhou City
摘要 根据区域建设用地的极限供需状况制定区域差别化的建设用地管控政策,有利于建设用地总量控制目标实现和建设用地的精细化管理。以扬州市为实证区域,构建基于资源环境容量约束的建设用地极限供给与经济发展驱动的建设用地极限需求的测度模型,以期为区域差别化的建设用地管控提供参考。研究表明:(1)扬州市建设用地极限供给总规模为162 686.44 hm2,未来建设用地可拓展空间总体上呈现南多北少的特征;(2)扬州市建设用地极限需求规模为158 164.63 hm2,南部地区高于北方;(3)扬州市建设用地极限需求不会突破资源环境容量约束的极限供给上限,其中仪征市和高邮市的极限需求规模超出极限供给规模,市区、江都区和宝应县极限需求规模小于极限供给规模;(4)仪征市与高邮市应根据极限供给规模严格控制建设用地总量,提高建设用地利用效率,降低经济发展对土地要素的过度依赖;市区和江都区可构建区域的协同一体化发展战略,适当扩张建设用地规模,优化区域建设用地空间布局;宝应县应注重耕地保护,予以适度的建设用地指标倾斜,促进经济增长与耕地保护协调发展。 Region-differential policy of construction land management which based on restricted supply and demand of regional construction land is significative. To some extent,such policy is conducive to the realization of the goal of total control of construction land and the fine management of construction land. This paper build the restricted supply model of construction land based on resource and environment capacity and restricted demand model of construction land based on economic development,in order to provide reference for regional differential construction land management and control strategy. The results indicate:( 1) The total scale of the restricted supply of construction land in Yangzhou City is 162 686. 44 hm^2,and the development space of construction land will be more extensive in the south and less in the north in the future.( 2) The restricted demand for construction land in Yangzhou City is 158 164. 63 hm^2,which also shows the characteristics of more in the south and less in the north.( 3) The restricted demand of construction land in Yangzhou City will not exceed the restricted supply restricted of resources and environmental capacity. The restricted demand scale of Yizheng City and Gaoyou City exceeds the restricted supply scale,while the Urban District,Jiangdu District and Baoying County are opposite.( 4) Yizheng City and Gaoyou City should control the total amount of construction land strictly according to the scale of the restricted supply,improve the utilization efficiency of construction land,and reduce the excessive dependence of the economic development on the land elements. The Urban District and Jiangdu District can build a coordinated development strategy of the region,expand the scale of construction land,and optimize the spatial distribution of regional construction land appropriately. Baoying County should pay attention to the protection of cultivated land,and be given moderate construction land index,so as to promote the coordinated development of economic growth and cultivated land protection.
作者 孟霖 郭杰 殷爽 欧名豪 MENG Linz;GUO Jie;YIN Shuang;OU Minghao(College of Land Management,Nanjing agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China;State and local joint engineering research center of rural land resources utilization and consolidation,Nanjing 210095,China)
出处 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期1703-1711,共9页 Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin
基金 国家自然科学基金"农村建设用地发展权转移增值收益共享研究:形成机理 分配策略及治理机制"(71774086) 国家自然科学基金"基于建设用地扩张对区域粮食生产影响评估的主体功能区差别化管制研究--以江苏省为例"(71774085) 江苏高校哲学社会科学优秀创新团队"城乡统筹与农村土地制度创新"(2015ZSTD004) 江苏省普通高校学术学位研究生创新计划项目"建设用地扩张的景观格局响应及其管制研究"(KYLX15_0540)
关键词 建设用地 供需分析 区域分异 扬州市 construction land supply and demand regional diversity Yangzhou City
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