
儿童发育性协调障碍临床评估工具的研究进展 被引量:8

Research advances on clinical assessment tools for developmental coordination disorder
摘要 儿童发育性协调障碍(developmental coordination disorder,DCD)是一种发育性功能障碍,DCD儿童虽然存在动作技能协调性障碍,但智力发育可在正常水平。然而儿童运动能力的障碍往往较注意力和学习能力等更容易被家长忽视,其亦可影响儿童的生长发育、认知,社会危害较大。既往研究显示DCD儿童如果不进行及时干预治疗,会并发诸多继发性障碍。遗憾的是,目前国内DCD研究尚处于起步阶段,本文对目前DCD筛查常用的五种评估工具在适用范围、信效度、优缺点等方面进行综合比较,以期为DCD的早期筛查、临床诊断和干预提供线索。 Developmental coordination disorder(DCD)is one of the most common disorders among school-age children.DCD children are reported to have coordination handicaps,impaired movement and perceptual difficulties,but their intelligence development can be normal.The importance of movement is often overlooked because it is considered a natural part of human life.However,it is crucial to children's physical,cognitive and social development.If DCD children are not timely intervened,there will be many secondary disorders.A number of tools have been developed that focus on identifying the presence and extent of movement skill deficit.This article makes a comprehensive comparison of five commonly used assessment tools for DCD screening in the scope of application,reliability and validity,advantages and disadvantages,in order to provide clues for early screening,clinical diagnosis and intervention of DCD.
作者 崔娓 林森然 古桂雄 花静 CUI Wei;LIN Sen-ran;GUGui-xiongi,;HUA Jing(Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital,Tongji University School of Medicine,Shanghai 201204,China;Childrents Hospital of Soochow University,Suzhou,Jiangsu 215000,China)
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 2018年第9期977-980,共4页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
基金 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目(81673179) 上海市申康医院发展中心适宜技术联合开发推广应用项目(SHDC12016239) 上海市公共卫生三年行动计划重点学科人才项目(15GWZK0401 子课题)
关键词 发育性协调障碍 评估工具 儿童 developmental coordination disorder assessment tools children
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