

The Problem and Countermeasure of Online Music Paid Mode
摘要 互联网的飞速发展和用户通过网络下载传播音乐的行为的增加使得音乐付费使用模式逐渐流行。但是在付费使用模式的运行过程中滋生了一系列问题。本文立足于当前付费使用模式的现状,主要分析立法保护不足、用户知识产权保护意识不强、集体管理组织职责履行不力、音乐付费标准不明四大主要问题,继而针对性的提出解决措施。其中"包月+梯级"付费方案的提出能够促进音乐细分市场的形成,切实维护音乐人、服务商、用户三方的利益。 With the rapid development of the Internet and the behavior of user through the network to download music is increased,the paid use model on music is gradually popular. However, a series of problems have arisen in the operation of paid use model. Based on the status quo of the current paid use model, the paper mainly analysis four major issues: shortness of legislative protection, lack of awareness of the protection of intellectual property rights, poor performance of collective management organizations, unknown music payment standards, then put forward specific measures. The "monthly + cascade" pay proposal can promote the formation of music market segments, and earnestly safeguard the interests of musicians, service providers and users.
作者 彭志强 王佩玉 游双 PENG Zhi-qiang;WANG Pei-yu;YOU Shuang(School of Intellectual Property,Chongqing University of Technology,Chongqing 40005)
出处 《牡丹江大学学报》 2018年第9期17-20,共4页 Journal of Mudanjiang University
关键词 付费使用模式 梯级付费 版权 paid usage model cascade payment copyright
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