对青藏铁路格尔木—拉萨段的生态环境本底状况作了全面地分析 ,指出建于世界上最高、最大的高原面上的青藏铁路沿线的生态环境具有无以比拟的特殊性、敏感性、脆弱性和生态景观的差异性 ,如果施工期间未能采取行之有效的环保措施 ,那么巨大的土石开挖量、堆积量和工程迹地量定会对青藏高原的生态环境造成严重的负面影响。提出了一系列的环保措施 ,以期对铁路建设单位有所帮助 ,将对青藏高原生态环境造成的负面影响减少到最小 。
All sided ecological environment background of Geermu Lhasa section of railway on Qinghai Tibetan plateau are analyzed. There are many indications that the ecological environment along the Geermu Lhasa section of Qinghai Tibetan railway is of unique peculiarity, sensitivity, fragility, and regional difference. If some special effective environmental protection measures were not taken in construction period, the negative impact would occur because of tremendous quantity of cubic meter of earth and stone. Finally, a series of environmental protection measures are progressed. If these measures could be adopted by the construction company, the negative impact would be reduced to the least, and the ecological environmental quality would return to normality.
Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation