

Debate “Exposition and Argumentation” of The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons' Differences and Similarities between the Two Bodies
摘要 刘勰所论的文体大约34种,其划分缘由涉及到《文心雕龙》文体论中同篇异体的辨析这一问题。《文心雕龙·论说》为较具代表性的一篇,其中"论"与"说"二体既有相通之处,又有各自的用武之地。"论"着重于议论经典,说明道理,更具理论高度,而"说"有书面和口头两种形式,倾向现实需求,针对较为紧迫的事件,进行委婉劝说,使人心悦诚服。同时"说"、"论"互通,在行文中都遵守文采为说理服务的宗旨,思想中正醇厚,体现儒家正统观念等。通过选文进行文本分析,见微知著,得以辨析"论说"二体的异同。另外,以此篇为例,能够进一步探究刘勰划分文体的思想。 Liu Xie discusses the literary forms about 34 types. The reasons for division involve The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons’ differentiation and analysis of the same variant in the stylistic theory. The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons Exposition and Argumentation is a representative. There are not only similarities, but also having different ample scope for one’s ability in the “Exposition” and “argumentation”. “Exposition” emphasizes discussing the classical works, making sense, having higher theoretical altitude. However, “argumentation” has written and oral forms and be inclined to reality. It is for urgent event, making tactful persuasion, which makes people accepting totally. At the same time, “exposition” and “argumentation” can be exchanged. In writing, they all abide by the principle of literary grace serving reasoning, and have mellow thoughts and embody the orthodox ideas of Confucianism. It is through analysis of text by selected text. From the first small beginnings one can see how things will develop. It can debate differences and similarities between the “exposition and argumentation” Additionally, it takes the article as an example, and we can further explore Liu Xie’s thoughts on division of the literary forms.
作者 张丽娟 ZHANG Lijuan(Liberal of Arts,Huaqiao University,Quanzhou 362000,China)
机构地区 华侨大学文学院
出处 《四川职业技术学院学报》 2018年第4期62-67,共6页 Journal of Sichuan Vocational and Technical College
关键词 《文心雕龙》 The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons argumentation exposition
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