
仲裁案后中菲海上油气合作主要障碍的国际法分析 被引量:4

The Main Obstacles for the Offshore Oil and Gas Exploitation Cooperation between China and the Philippines After the South China Sea Arbitration:From the Perspective of International Law Analysis
摘要 南海仲裁案后,中菲之间积极推进各项务实合作,包括备受关注的南海油气资源勘探开发合作。但是南海仲裁案加剧了双方之间本身存在的关于南沙部分海域是否为争议海域的分歧,使中国在推进南沙海域油气资源"共同开发"的问题上面临更大困境。中菲政治关系的转圜并没有从根本上改变这一分歧,菲律宾国内对于仲裁案裁决的坚持,将对菲政府有关共同开发的态度产生很大制约。从菲律宾国内法角度来看,在菲律宾无争议海域的合作开发也受到其宪法的限制。与菲律宾进行南海油气资源勘探开发合作,可考虑在推进陆海一体化的海洋经济高质量发展的背景下,探索多种能源合作的可能,拉紧利益纽带,降低油气资源勘探开发的敏感度。在油气资源开发时,必须厘清争议海域与非争议海域,在争议海域坚持共同开发立场,探索共同开发的新路径,在非争议海域可遵守菲律宾宪法和国内法要求进行合作开发。中菲双方有关合作可先从无争议海域入手,逐步建立互信,再扩展到争议海域。 Under the joint efforts of China and the ASEAN members,the South China Sea return to peace and stability after the South China Sea Arbitration,and the Parties began to concentrate on push forward the practical maritime cooperation.China and the Philippines have made much effort to promote the maritime cooperation,especially,possibility of cooperation of offshore oil and gas exploitation in the South China Sea.However,the South China Sea Arbitration Award has enlarged the disagreement between the Parties on the question whether the waters near Spratlys is disputed area or not.The Award confirms the position of the Philippines,holding that there are no maritime delimitation disputes in the Spratlys,and derogates China's position that takes the Spratlys as a whole.The difference between two countries has not been narrowed since the Philippines would not renounce its claims in the Spratlys as well as the South China Sea Arbitration.The"Joint development"policy has to face the biggest obstacle ever.Besides,the domestic laws and regulations of the Philippines would restraint China's companies in the oil and gas exploitation cooperation in the Philippines indisputable EEZ and continental shelf.Thus,to push forward the oil and gas cooperation in the South China Sea,it is better to discuss the multi-resources exploitation cooperation between China and the Philippines in order to reduce the sensitivity of the oil and gas exploitation.Besides,it is better to distinguish the disputed area and undisputed area and uphold the"joint development"in the disputed area.In the undisputed Philippines'EEZ and continental shelf,the Chinese companies should follow the Philippines'domestic laws,begin with the cooperation in the undisputed area and extent to the disputed area in the future.
作者 雷筱璐
出处 《亚太安全与海洋研究》 2018年第5期97-110,128-129,共14页 Asia-Pacific Security and Maritime Affairs
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(编号:17CFX045)的阶段性成果
关键词 南海仲裁案 中菲海上油气合作 共同开发 国际法 South China Sea Arbitration oil and gas exploitation cooperation joint development obstacles
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