Based on WRF model,the simulation of a cold front precipitation process in the south of China was performed using Lin microphysics schemes,and the simulated vertical distribution characteristics of model-simulated cloud fraction,cloud liquid water content and ice water content were tested based on the CloudSat products.The results indicated that the simulated distribution range of cloud fraction was smaller than that of CloudSat,and the simulated cloud fraction was always deficient in lower altitude.The simulated vertical distribution of deep convective clouds was in good agreement with that of CloudSat.However,the simulated result was not so good for the scattered small-scale cloud cluster.The simulated distribution range of cloud liquid water content was smaller than that of CloudSat,and the value of cloud liquid water content was slightly lower than that of CloudSat.For those areas with relatively lower cloud liquid water content value measured by CloudSat,the cloud liquid watercontent couldn't be simulated in most cases.The simulated vertical distribution characteristics of cloud ice water content was relatively consistent with that of CloudSat,and the simulation effect was significantly good in the central position with high cloud ice water content value.However,the simulated cloud ice water content value was considerably lower than that of CloudSat.On the whole,the simulated distribution characteristics of cloud ice water content were relatively more consistent with the observations,and the Lin microphysical scheme needs to be further improved and perfected.
Li Sicong;Li Yunying;Sun Guorong(Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography,National University of Defense Technology,Nanjing 211101,China)
Meteorology and Disaster Reduction Research