
翻译能力本质的元认知研究 被引量:25

A metacogonitive study on the nature of translation competence
摘要 本文结合国内外学者对翻译能力的研究,依托翻译能力多元观和极简观的理论框架,从元认知视角对翻译能力的本质进行解读。研究通过挖掘元认知在翻译问题动态处理过程中的地位和作用,指出翻译能力的本质就是翻译元能力,包括三个子能力:导向能力、分析能力、评估能力。翻译元能力在元认知调控的导向、计划、监控、评估作用下,以双语能力为基础,识别问题、分析问题、解决问题;同时根据翻译问题及解决的需要,有效调动其他翻译能力,统筹规划翻译过程。 Based on researches done by scholars both home and abroad on translation competence, this paper brings forth a renewed insight into the nature of translation competence from a metecognitive perspective by integrating ideas of pluralism and minimalism . [t examines the role played by metacognition in translation problem-solving process, pointing out translation metacompetence as the core of translation competence, including orienting subcompetence, analyzing subcompetence, and evaluating subcompetence. Controlled by metacognitive orienting, planning, monitoring, and evaluating, translation metacompetence identifies, analyzes, and solves problems, and ultimately makes overall plans on the whole translation process by optimizing different translation competences.
作者 胡珍铭 王湘玲 HU Zhenming;WANG Xiangling
机构地区 湖南大学
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期91-96,F0003,62,共8页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
基金 湖南省研究生科研创新项目"文本分析能力培养之评教整合的翻译教学实验研究"(CX2017B150) 国家社科基金项目"基于PBL的翻译人才创新能力培养理论与实证研究"(13BYY165)的阶段性成果
关键词 翻译问题 翻译元能力 元认知 翻译能力 translation problem translation metacompetence metacognition translation competence
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