
清初论词词繁盛成因分析 被引量:1

Analysis on the Causes of the Flourishing of Ci about Commenting Ci in the Early Qing Dynasty
摘要 论词词由过去的六义之附庸到清初之蔚为大观,从过去词学批评中偶尔一见的表述方式到清代成为与词话、词集序跋并驾齐驱的一种词学批评样式。清初论词词繁盛的直接原因主要有三点:一是与清初词的繁荣同步发展,二是与清初词学的复兴同步发展,三是与清初词人间交往的活跃程度同步发展。清初论词已经超越了一般的文学评论范畴,成为词人之间相互怜惜、相互认可、相互砥砺的一种手段。论词词的大量涌现也是推动清初词繁荣的原因与动力。 Ci about Commenting Ci means to express appreciation of Ci poets,Ci poems or Ci collections in the form of Ci literature. After several generations of Song,Jin,Yuan and Ming Dynasties,Ci about Commenting Ci tended to flourish in the early Qing Dynasty. According to the complete Qing Ci Shunkang Volume and Shunkang Volume Supplement,456 pieces of 184 poets have been retrieved. From a kind of incidental trying,this form of Ci criticism eventually has been developed into a splendid trend in the early Qing Dynasty,which can rival the formal Ci criticism and the prefaces of Ci collections. There are three main reasons behind this phenomenon: the first is the synchronous prosperity development with the Ci literature at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty; the second is the synchronous development of Ci study at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty; the third one is the more and more frequent communication activity among the Ci poets. The Ci poets in Qing dynasty used Ci commentary as a means of meeting friends and expressing appreciation to each other,giving encourage to each other. This has surpassed the category of mere literary criticism. The emergence of Ci about Commenting Ci is not only the result of the prosperity of Ci poetry in the early Qing Dynasty,but also the cause and motive force of the prosperity of it.
作者 张仲谋 薛冉冉 Zhang zhongmou;Xue ranran
出处 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期80-85,共6页 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"清词编年史及相关文献整理与研究"(17AZW007)
关键词 清初 论词词 繁盛 成因 early Qing Dynasty Ci about commenting Ci flourishing causes.
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